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Keys to emotion

Posted: 27/07/2007 - 22:49
by xo
As Razmo knows, I'm not a musician. But that's not going to stop me trying! :D Especially as I like my own stuff!

To that end, I've ordered this little thing today

M-Audio Keystation 61es ... renr=24747

There's something about expressing emotion through keys... I dig it.

Posted: 28/07/2007 - 0:00
by Razmo
XO: Welcome aboard :) ... you write you are no musician... what's a musician?... did you not send me stuff you did, that I said was quite good!?... In my eyes, that makes you a musician as anybody else, wether you can play the darn thing or not... you make music; you're a musician!... period! ... at least that is what I define by the word "musician" :wink:

Posted: 28/07/2007 - 0:02
by xo
Thanks Razmo. It's just not often I meet people with some of the same taste in sound and music as myself.

To be more precise, I have some tastes which I share with almost noone except myself, and that's the stuff that comes from my hand. :) :oops:

Posted: 28/07/2007 - 0:10
by Razmo
XO: what I learned through the years (20 approx.) is that the best stuff that come from MY hands, are the stuff that I do for my own liking... as soon as I try to make something to please others, it gets really mediocre... and it has been proved several times to me by friends and family, as well as here on Remix64 (yes, some tunes was made with pleasing in mind :wink: ) ...

Posted: 28/07/2007 - 0:57
by Analog-X64
Congratulations on you're New Purchase!!! It is a great product. I purchased an M-Audio keyboard a few months back...its still sitting in the box....well..thats another story.

Looking forward to hearing you're compositions.......HEY YOU BETTER SHARE!! or else!!!! :D