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Slaygon - The Other

Posted: 12/08/2007 - 18:24
by Slaygon
Ahoy folks...

I've been poking Cubase again, this time with a vacuum cleaner. Today something different fell out of it, namely something called "The Other" ...
And yes, the singing is out of synch... This is done in about 6 hours, and the vocals were recorded in a hurry just to see if they would fit at all.

This is the result: ... 070813.mp3

Yup... That's the way it is... A-ha, a-ha...

Edit: Updated link.

Posted: 12/08/2007 - 19:51
by Razmo
Slaygon: ... I like this style... Gothic Techno... reminds me that I also like Icon of Coil, do you? :D

Posted: 12/08/2007 - 23:09
by Slaygon
razmo wrote:Slaygon: ... I like this style... Gothic Techno... reminds me that I also like Icon of Coil, do you? :D
Hm... Never heard of them, so I guess that would be... Err... Dunno? =)

Posted: 12/08/2007 - 23:35
by Razmo
Slaygon... ok... well the material you linked to, is much in the same style both vocal-wise and music-wise... you could do a search for 'em... maybe you'll like what they do... I certainly does :)

Posted: 12/08/2007 - 23:36
by Razmo

Posted: 13/08/2007 - 16:34
by Slaygon
Thanks razmo! I shall have a listen. :)

In the mean time, I have updated the link at the top of this thread. It now has the complete vocals. =)

Posted: 13/08/2007 - 18:13
by Dafunk
yeah. luv the vocals! the gabba-ish sounds are not quite cup of my tea, but with the vocals the track sounds pretty damn good to me. thumbs up slaygon!

Posted: 13/08/2007 - 18:23
by Razmo
well... Gabba is good! :P ... there is just one thing that confuses me a bit, and that is the kick drum... it seem to have it's own "pitch" that is out of harmony with the main pitch of the other instruments... it's not that obvious when all is playing, but it's very apparent in the beginning :)

Posted: 13/08/2007 - 18:31
by Slaygon
razmo wrote:well... Gabba is good! :P ... there is just one thing that confuses me a bit, and that is the kick drum... it seem to have it's own "pitch" that is out of harmony with the main pitch of the other instruments... it's not that obvious when all is playing, but it's very apparent in the beginning :)
I noticed this when I listened to the track on another system. Didn't notice it at all in my headphones. Sorting it at some point. And no, it's not meant to be that way. =)


Posted: 13/08/2007 - 18:35
by LMan
What razmo said. Apart from that this is cool shit!!