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Here are 3 remixes that could need some feedback

Posted: 30/08/2007 - 14:57
by Dees Productions
I am not going to write too much more than where to download and where to read the "background" about the remakes. Will add more, when I get some feedback :) ... ix).mp3 ... ix).mp3 ... ix).mp3 

If you want full details, go to " " and read the blogs :)
Have a good one!

Re: Here are 3 remixes that could need some feedback

Posted: 30/08/2007 - 16:01
by Analog-X64
neither of the links work.

Re: Here are 3 remixes that could need some feedback

Posted: 30/08/2007 - 19:56
by C64GLeN

Re: Here are 3 remixes that could need some feedback

Posted: 30/08/2007 - 20:01
by Dees Productions

Re: Here are 3 remixes that could need some feedback

Posted: 06/09/2007 - 21:09
by Dees Productions
Okay it's been a week since I wanted some feedback but I didn't get anything?
Something wrong with the URL/Links or just a fatal remix that didn't even deserve a small comment?
Hey, don't be a stranger, make yourself heard and share your opinion :)

Not begging for anything, I just demand some kind of action :cheers:
/Dees Productions

Re: Here are 3 remixes that could need some feedback

Posted: 06/09/2007 - 21:18
by Chris Abbott
Perhaps you should read the "massively fatal crash" announcement outside this thread?

Re: Here are 3 remixes that could need some feedback

Posted: 06/09/2007 - 22:31
by Dees Productions
That would be an idea... whops :oops:
*stands in the corner for a while* :P

Re: Here are 3 remixes that could need some feedback

Posted: 06/09/2007 - 23:38
by Analog-X64
Cool the Links are working now so I'll give you feedback... like it or not... :twisted:

Re: Here are 3 remixes that could need some feedback

Posted: 08/09/2007 - 0:07
by Dees Productions
Cool cool 8) Looking forward to it :!: :?: :P

Re: Here are 3 remixes that could need some feedback

Posted: 08/09/2007 - 4:04
by Analog-X64
Ok here is my impression.

Hysteria (Evil Tribal Remix)
I like the over sound of this mix, the whole atmosphere, just a couple of recommendations, the screaming type of sound that is on for 2:08 Minutes is just too long, I would even take it out entirely if its not needed. I also found my ears needed a break by the end of the track, maybe have a break section midpoint where, we can hear the phased pads without the shakers or main leads. Otherwise its something I could add to my regular rotation of tunes.

Uridium (Little Green Alien Remix)
I love how this remix was done in the style of Oxygene but yet it sounds original, Uridium is one of my favourite C=64 Games and I plan to do a remake one of these days. If you removed both Uridum Lead sounds this track could stand on its own, having said that. For some reason both Lead sounds are not working for me. I like the 2nd Lead that starts at 2:08 better than the first lead sound, how I would still reconsider either using different lead sounds, or maybe cutting back on the effects on these two leads as they sound a bit loud and wet.(insert dirty joke here). I could listen to this track over and over and not get bored of it.

Zappologia for Sapper(Zap remix)
I like the Rhythm and flow of this Remix very very again with this track I found my ears needed a bit of a break, now there was a nice little break between 2:14-2:34 but the background drone sound could be heard, maybe muting that sound at this break point would help? or maybe lowering the volume on that background drone? Otherwise a top notch track. Love it.

Ofcourse you can just tell me to screw off, what the hell do I know about music production. :) I'm just commenting on what my ears are hearing.

Re: Here are 3 remixes that could need some feedback

Posted: 08/09/2007 - 11:03
by spacefractal
Hysteria (Evil Tribal Remix): The screming is a bit to long as Analog-X said. Could been fade out ealier.

Uridium:The screming sound around 1:55 is not needed here, otherwice nice break.

Zappologia for Sapper:Nice Mod (and no comment for improving here), which also could came from been blob as well.

Re: Here are 3 remixes that could need some feedback

Posted: 08/09/2007 - 14:03
by Dees Productions
Analog-X and spacefractal :

Thanks for the feedback and constructive criticism :)
According to " Hysteria (Evil Tribal Remix) ", that scream has now been muted totally, decided to sipmly get rid of it once and for all. Maybe it could have been there but it was making way too much noise, so perhaps another time but not this time, I'll bring that alien creature to a remix :) Also, I reworked the balance in the song a bit, found out that some parts of the pads/strings were pointing out a bit, so relax and chill baby(this could be misunderstood and yeah, that was the point as well :)). Also as Analog-X suggested, "give the ear a rest". Very good point!
Since this is one "building up" song, it's also importaint to let it fade out in a more gentle way, instrad of having the "slam the door" effect. Not sure how to imply this but okay I've somehow melt the chocolate into the ice-cream and the result is up to you to judge :)

Uridium (Little Green Alien Remix): This was quite difficult to work around and as you pointed out Analog-X, the lead was hard to get there and I am not even sure how to improve it, seems like it should not be too loud nor to low, nor too cocky, but at the same time I'd like to remain the "theme", too. If you have any ideas for a "working" lead, oh yeah... it's welcome, damn welcome :)
To just go mad here... what kind of lead would be great? Somekind of meowing analog sound. A fat harsh saw-tooth. The "typical hits for kids"-lead? Just a stack of crazy oscilators going nuts? Maybe just a slammin' piano? Some classical suitcase? Oookay this fountain got a sandblast now, so let's see what will come up.
Spacefractal - Hah, yeah so you found that "scream", hmm strange I never thought about it untill you sprayed it out on the frosted mirror. Cool, okay so how am I going to deal with this sound. To begin with, I haven't really done any work to the song, yet and this will be my next task, after I am done with the tribal remix :)

Zappologia for Sapper(Zap remix): Okay let's knock this one down a bit. I really had no idea to begin with, more than this was going to be a snappy remix, a kind of "Theme Park aka Pizza Tycoon"-tune. Going to spin this around a bit too. Have to say to be a 2 2 2 2 and 2 2 2 2 -chord song, not bad huh? :)

Once again thank you guys for the feedback.
/Dees Productions

Re: Here are 3 remixes that could need some feedback

Posted: 08/09/2007 - 14:18
by spacefractal
Yep, If I have heard Uridium first, I have never found out that scream and then would just sound fine..... Not because it sound bad, but it >might< not suit the mod. It might been just some panning balance things to workout in the first leads? Not the lead sound itself?

In Hysteria, I do guess the scream can could been heard in the first 30secs or such, and then fade out, along it have that atmosphere in this mod. Otherwice you could even fade it in the last part of the the atmosphere intro.

I do really like the rytmic in Zappologia for Sapper, which is fun and cool. Since I do not have heard about the game, I first I think about was the cool Amiga game, Blob, when I heard it. Personly you should leave it as it are, if you ask me. Analog-X might been right about the nice break, but I do not judge about it.

Re: Here are 3 remixes that could need some feedback

Posted: 09/09/2007 - 15:15
by Dees Productions
Thanks :)
Yeah I am working on them now and it's going pretty well. Had a pretty wicked weekend so heh now I am recovering from all the :cheers: