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Gamebase 64 problems

Posted: 09/09/2007 - 10:54
by Subzero
Ok I have gamebase 64, I have downloaded the entire HVSC collection, but when I run gamebase and point it towards the HVSC folder, it says im missing over 16000 SIDS, how can this be???

Re: Gamebase 64 problems

Posted: 09/09/2007 - 11:03
by Chris Abbott
Have you looked under the sofa?

Re: Gamebase 64 problems

Posted: 09/09/2007 - 11:25
by Subzero
I have 2 words for you chris...

...dontbe silly....

this is really pissing me off, it wont find my SIDS at all :(

Re: Gamebase 64 problems

Posted: 09/09/2007 - 11:26
by Vosla

Don't know Gamebase64 by heart but it may simply expect the SIDs to be at a specific place and maybe that changed with the new installment of the HVSC.

Re: Gamebase 64 problems

Posted: 09/09/2007 - 13:43
by Squirrley
Try downloading this
Then install it and point it to your HVSC folder.
Works fine for me. :)
Its just the GB64 v05 Database file if you are concerned about downloading an exe file :)

Re: Gamebase 64 problems

Posted: 09/09/2007 - 14:05
by Analog-X64
I would imagine you have to match version of Game64 to version of HVSC??

Re: Gamebase 64 problems

Posted: 09/09/2007 - 17:55
by skitz
What Analog-X said.... I think the Gamebase is at least couple of versions behind

Re: Gamebase 64 problems

Posted: 09/09/2007 - 18:14
by Mayhem
The latest GB64v5 is based on HVSC 47...

Re: Gamebase 64 problems

Posted: 09/09/2007 - 18:19
by Subzero

Re: Gamebase 64 problems

Posted: 10/09/2007 - 9:52
by Subzero
ok its finally found all the SIDs, but now it wont find the screenshots or extras!!!!

Re: Gamebase 64 problems

Posted: 10/09/2007 - 10:19
by merman
Go into Gamebase, click Tool > Paths, now make sure all the tabs (Games, HVSC, Screenshots, Extras, Photos) have the correct paths set. You may need to delete an old assignment (click on it, then click the red X to delete the old one), then the page icon to create a new assignment. Click OK to finish, then immediately go to Tools > Verify available files. Tick all the boxes EXCEPT check CRC and wait.

Re: Gamebase 64 problems

Posted: 10/09/2007 - 10:25
by Subzero
merman - done that...over and over and over again!!! still finds nothing!!!

Re: Gamebase 64 problems

Posted: 10/09/2007 - 12:05
by merman
Have you done a fresh install of the actual Gamebase frontend, or copied the new database over your old install?

Re: Gamebase 64 problems

Posted: 10/09/2007 - 12:12
by Subzero
Fresh install - innit

Re: Gamebase 64 problems

Posted: 11/09/2007 - 16:48
by Subzero
Ok now im onto ZX Gamebase but I have a problem, all my zip files are named differently to what gamebase expects - is there a file in gamebase I can change so it finds the filenames WITHOUT tzx in the zips name??