Post your fun stories :D

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Post your fun stories :D

Post by trace »

Post a fun story you have come up with yourself, not others ;D

Here's one I came up with at work today :D

As armageddon was just around the corner, GOD looked down on us and spoked for the very first time:
"Do you want fries with that chicken?"

Yeah I know, it's a terrible storie :oops: :wink:
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Re: Post your fun stories :D

Post by LMan »

One day, Deanna Troi returned to her quarters after her shift to meet up with Worf.
Taking a glance at his forehead, she said: "You look horny."

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Re: Post your fun stories :D

Post by Analog-X64 »

Luke Skywalker was asking Yoda all these questions in Yodas little
Hut... and Yoda was making all kinds of grunting sounds, an
indication of he's old age.... or that is what we were made to believe..
Yoda was actually sitting on a Termite Mound and taking a huge DumP!!!

All that grunting was him pinching a loaf, squatting a bouncer, breaking the porcelain.

:confusion: :eekout:
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Re: Post your fun stories :D

Post by LMan »

A man went to the municipal authority to take his revenge on buerocracy.
He went to the first clerk he met and asked him:
"I want to talk to someone who is not in charge."
Ready to prompt an "I'm not in charge of that" the clerk thought twice
and made a few calls through the authoroty, finding noone able to
cope with the paradoxon. This resulted in a chain reaction, facing almost
the whole staff and associated authoroties with the problem.

Of 93 officials in the building, 84 required mental treatment
after this incident, 12 of them even had to retire. The damage
caused in the wider circles can only be estimated as equally severe.

'tis a true story. Not.
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Re: Post your fun stories :D

Post by Chris Abbott »

Q: What do you call Boz in a blender?
A: A smoothie.

Q: What do you call Rob Hubbard in a lift with a Gorilla?
A: Unlucky.

Hey, it's only 8:22 and I didn't have any coffee yet.. gimme a break... ooh, that reminds me...

Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children?
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Re: Post your fun stories :D

Post by Tonka »

Well this is kinda turning into a joke thread, so here's a couple I thought of recently:

Q: How does a Monk get into his house?
A: Using a Monkey (Monk-Key - geddit?)

Q: What did the Mummy cow say to the Baby cow when it stood in front of the T.V?
A: Mooooooooooove!

Well, my 4 year old liked them! ;)
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Re: Post your fun stories :D

Post by Razmo »

Tonka: A Mummy cow!? :confusion: .. I'm sorry, but the egyptian people of old did not mummyfie cows... they mummyfied cats though.

I Like the idear of a Mummy cow though :lol:

... uh, oh! I'm not good at stories :oops: ... I'll see if I can think of some later :eekout:
Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen (Razmo).
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Re: Post your fun stories :D

Post by BrutePoet »

Razmo: They mummified the Apis bull mother and she has got be a cow otherwise it would bit weird.

Oh bad joke, sorry Boz, I love you but this got stuck in my head last night.

-What do you get if Boz reaches critical mass?

- A bozza Nova.
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