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Let's make some noooooise for Sonic Wanderer!

Posted: 12/10/2007 - 22:58
by Ziphoid
Congratulations on your birthday, Sonic!

Me and Andreas have just been off to the MicroDisko to bounce to some blipp-blopp and now we want to praise you on your birthday, so do have a splendid one with lots of cake and presents!

:cake: :beavis:

// Ziph & Andy

Re: Let's make some noooooise for Sonic Wanderer!

Posted: 13/10/2007 - 5:59
by trace
Congratz Mr. Wanderer :D
Have a great day ! :cake:

Re: Let's make some noooooise for Sonic Wanderer!

Posted: 13/10/2007 - 10:59
by merman
Happy nomadic birthday! :cheers:

Re: Let's make some noooooise for Sonic Wanderer!

Posted: 13/10/2007 - 15:41
by the_JinX
Hapy birthday Wanderer of the Sonic kind ..
Have a great day..

Re: Let's make some noooooise for Sonic Wanderer!

Posted: 13/10/2007 - 16:01
by Vosla
Happy Birthday, Sonic!!! :D :D :D

Re: Let's make some noooooise for Sonic Wanderer!

Posted: 13/10/2007 - 16:42
by Sidman 64
All the best on your big day dude :cheers:

Re: Let's make some noooooise for Sonic Wanderer!

Posted: 13/10/2007 - 17:27
by Sonic Wanderer
Why, thank you all. :mrgreen:

Having a still day. Family over for coffee, and some cake. Nothing fancy or stressy. Goodness. :cheers:

Re: Let's make some noooooise for Sonic Wanderer!

Posted: 13/10/2007 - 19:02
by leoni
Happy Birthday SW ! :D

Re: Let's make some noooooise for Sonic Wanderer!

Posted: 14/10/2007 - 17:52
by Makke
Happy birthday, dude! I completely forgot to congratulate you during our conversation earlier. :)