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Play by Numbers: Zoids

Posted: 16/06/2003 - 17:35
by sumppi
Ok, here's my first try at SID remix/remake:

I've also done a short bit in my weblog about the production of the tune:

Just my view on one of my all-time favourite SID tunes.

// Sumppi

Posted: 16/06/2003 - 18:00
by Dr.Future
Top stuff! 8)
Gimme more, please...

Posted: 16/06/2003 - 18:41
by XGener8or
Wow this rocks :) And cool, more guys from Finland enter the board :D

Posted: 16/06/2003 - 18:54
by ifadeo
I love the drums & guitar sounds, great remix-style.... :wink:

Do you got a little 'Tiamat' influence.... :D

cheers 2Klang

Posted: 17/06/2003 - 7:21
by Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson
You are ooooh so welcome, Sumppi!

I must say that this is a very professional and well done remix. With a great deal of personal touch and heavy riffs! The piano part in the middle is a nice surprise!

Nice to hear, and please - have a nice summer, wherever you go, and find inspiration for doing more remixes! This world needs you! :D

Posted: 17/06/2003 - 8:46
by merman
It's definitely got a prog rock vibe, and I like it a lot. In fact, I would love to hear PRESS PLAY ON TAPE cover the tune in that style.

Posted: 17/06/2003 - 10:23
by sumppi
Thanks for the comments you all...
2Klang wrote: Do you got a little 'Tiamat' influence.... :D
Well, I haven't really listened to Tiamat that much in fact :) I'm more into the likes of Ayreon, Pain of Salvation and Dream Theater. So yes, a bit of prog rock/metal in there too.

// Sumppi

Posted: 17/06/2003 - 11:08
by ifadeo
sumppi wrote:Thanks for the comments you all...
2Klang wrote: Do you got a little 'Tiamat' influence.... :D
Well, I haven't really listened to Tiamat that much in fact :)
// Sumppi
Try the Tiamat Album 'Wild Honey', and I swear you will love it...

cheers 2Klang

Posted: 17/06/2003 - 15:33
by hoomish
Excellent! It's been a while since Zoids has been remixed and this is probably my 2nd favourite (after BIT3) :)

Anything else in the pipeline? :wink:

Posted: 18/06/2003 - 9:45
by sumppi
Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson wrote:Nice to hear, and please - have a nice summer, wherever you go, and find inspiration for doing more remixes! This world needs you! :D
Thanks! Will do, already have and so on. And this might be the time to say that this little hobby of mine started with Noisetracker 1.1 or so ;)

// Sumppi

Posted: 18/06/2003 - 9:53
by Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson
sumppi wrote:And this might be the time to say that this little hobby of mine started with Noisetracker 1.1 or so ;)
What a strange coincident - so did mine! :lol:

Posted: 18/06/2003 - 16:37
by Maindrian
It is now my favourite remix of Zoids... Ever. But then I'm always a total sucker for heavy guitars.

Sumppi squire, I have to ask. How do you get such a clear guitar sound? I've been trying to no avail to stop my crappy encore from going all scratchy and microphonic whenever I use distortion. How do you record your guitars?

Posted: 18/06/2003 - 17:51
by sumppi
Maindrian wrote:Sumppi squire, I have to ask. How do you get such a clear guitar sound? I've been trying to no avail to stop my crappy encore from going all scratchy and microphonic whenever I use distortion. How do you record your guitars?
I use Behringer V-Amp II amplifier modeller, preset 8 A ;) I've done some tests with live Marshall sound through TL Audio Fat-2 preamp and Shure SM-57 mic (you can find example on my weblog at to get more gritty and live feeling, but for now all my guitars have been recorded through V-Amp. It's cheap and effective.

As a rule though, I never use V-Amp's effects, just dry sound without reverb or anything and then use Logic's built-in effects.

// Sumppi

Posted: 18/06/2003 - 18:21
by Max Levin
By my whole heart: thank you Sumppi! :) It feels like it was decades since Puffy released their latest remix(was it Armalyte?) so if you keep this metal-spirit up then I'm you truly gratitious! :D One and a half thumbs up :!: