Had a wierd thought today...

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Had a wierd thought today...

Post by trace »

That I should remove all music programs from my computer since my inspiration is so far gone at the moment I can't create anything at all, I have never had this musical creativity emtyness, so this feels d*mn scary.. :shock:

And why i'm thinking of removing all music program for a few weeks, month is because I am allways pushing myself to
produce something but when I start my program everything goes blank and I'm just sitting there thinking "What the heck was I supposed to do now?" :whip:
Maybe i should continue on my webpage or sort my harddrive cause it is a total mess or something else :boxing:

I am really freeked out atm, I really want to do music but *shite* this is wierd... :help:

I guess I really need a break from music :eekout:

So if you guys don't hear any new music from me for a few weeks month... you know that I had taked a time off from music :) :frustration:

Maybe it is becasue of the dark winter season that is upon us? If I had alot of money, a long trip to a sunny beach maybe would do the trick for my music :D

Anyone had this feeling :?:

ps: It might just do the trick not powering on the computer at all for a few weeks? :wink: :ds

And sorry you guys i'm co-working with, you have to do without me for a while :?
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Re: Had a wierd thought today...

Post by Bog »

I've been having turble Block recently - I'm just easing myself back into making stuff my just working on something I *know* I can do, rather than panicking myself by trying to force out creativity that seems to be a little spent right now.

Don't uninstall anything you can't reinstall, mate - you'll be back.

*big hug*
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Re: Had a wierd thought today...

Post by Vosla »

Quite normal, Trace. You've been pumping out tune after tune, no wonder you hit someday an inspiration hole. Just take a few days off, sort your HDD or something... BUT DON'T UNINSTALL!!! Prime source for trouble later on!

Guess after 2 weeks or so, you'll swamp us again with your ideas. :lol:
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Re: Had a wierd thought today...

Post by Chris Abbott »

Bog wrote:I've been having turble Block recently
Must be all the terists :)

Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children?
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Re: Had a wierd thought today...

Post by Sidman 64 »

Trace I give you 10 out of 10 for the good use of smiles :lol:
Take a break it will do you good, come back fully charged and start again :wink:
Oh and drink lots of beeeeeeeeeeeeeeers to chill you out :cheers:
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Re: Had a wierd thought today...

Post by Analog-X64 »

Dont un-install anything. Just turn the computer off and go do something else.

Do you have a Game Console? like a PSP or something? Go play a game from start to finish and that might help.

You basically need to re-boot you're brain from Music Mode into some other Mode and than back. :)
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Re: Had a wierd thought today...

Post by Infamous »

I took a month and a half off the internet to gather myself so i know where your coming from, Creative sparks turning into nothing more than wee little flickers in the dark can be quite scary but it'll come back, give it a rest for a bit. Go get drunk, have a laugh do something else for a while and inspiration will hit you again.

Your definitely not alone, id imagine even these multimillion dollar artists have moments like that.. liam howlett took 3 years off before he started writing his next prodigy album.. just as an example.
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Re: Had a wierd thought today...

Post by LMan »

I noticed my own creative cycle as it goes on for a couple of years now:

Spring and early summer: creative break doing gaming, watching movies...
Late summer, autumn: MUSIC!!
Winter: improving Remix64
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Re: Had a wierd thought today...

Post by trace »

I won't uninstall my programs :D :cheers:
Ok, I have come to this conclusion that I have to Recalibrate my brain and approach to do remixes and music in general ;)
And hopefully when I come back with a new track you won't know it's me :?: 8)
So see you in 2008 with a totaly new calibrated approach to my music :D
Now I'm takeing a 2 month off for recalibration :duh:

Now i'm like this :argh: and hopefully I will be like this :clap: :w00t: :hooray: when I'm back :D

I stil will be around though :D
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Re: Had a wierd thought today...

Post by Infamous »

Great to hear trace :)
Look forward to what you come up with xD
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Re: Had a wierd thought today...

Post by Steve B »

creative blocks are a right bugger. :bash:
i get them 99% of the time :help:
i will open Bryce or lightwave and just go :duh: :frustration: :argh: :weep: and shut them down again.
but sometimes i go :thumbsup: and create something nice.
(just not very often :oops: )
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Re: Had a wierd thought today...

Post by Vosla »

I get a lot of blocks when I sit down to pencil around. Usually because I want to create something worth looking at when it's finished and just the thought of it slows me down. It's even worse when I think of other people and what they might think of my work. Kills creative thoughts right from the start when it happens.

It suffices for a sketch of a pair of boobs and that's it. :lol: :frustration:
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Re: Had a wierd thought today...

Post by trace »

Vosla wrote: It's even worse when I think of other people and what they might think of my work. Kills creative thoughts right from the start when it happens.
It suffices for a sketch of a pair of boobs and that's it. :lol: :frustration:
That is mostly what I think too, I keep trying to do a remix that EVERYONE will like and that will not happend EVER ;)
I need to do something that I like and not what everyone else likes ;)
My next track will be so darn different (hopefully) than I usually do :eekout:
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Re: Had a wierd thought today...

Post by agent4125 »

trace wrote: That is mostly what I think too, I keep trying to do a remix that EVERYONE will like and that will not happend EVER ;)
Here's a foolproof plan: try to make a remix that you will like, and that you think EVERYONE else will hate.

I'll bet you'd be surprised by how much people end up liking it (but you can't actually think that while you're making it (but don't try too hard to turn people off (but it shouldn't be so strange that it gets rejected from RKO (but don't hold back too much (then again, you still have to like it yourself))))).

I once entered a T-shirt design contest with a shirt that was *guaranteed* to lose (it was supposed to be about the shipping industry, and it had a picture of Geddy Lee on it). But it still won! And they somehow convinced me to redesign into something boring (sans Geddy)... so maybe it's not such a good idea after all. Never mind... :eekout:
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Re: Had a wierd thought today...

Post by trace »

agent4125 wrote:
trace wrote: That is mostly what I think too, I keep trying to do a remix that EVERYONE will like and that will not happend EVER ;)
Here's a foolproof plan: try to make a remix that you will like, and that you think EVERYONE else will hate.

I'll bet you'd be surprised by how much people end up liking it (but you can't actually think that while you're making it (but don't try too hard to turn people off (but it shouldn't be so strange that it gets rejected from RKO (but don't hold back too much (then again, you still have to like it yourself))))).

I once entered a T-shirt design contest with a shirt that was *guaranteed* to lose (it was supposed to be about the shipping industry, and it had a picture of Geddy Lee on it). But it still won! And they somehow convinced me to redesign into something boring (sans Geddy)... so maybe it's not such a good idea after all. Never mind... :eekout:
You are so right :D
As we speak I am actually doing something "wierd" , music wise that is... :P
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