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Halflife 2 plus Episode 1 Gift

Posted: 28/11/2007 - 19:10
by tomsk
I've just splashed out on HL2 episode 2 and associated goodies including the wonderful portal. A nice touch was because I'd already bought HL2 and Episode 1 from Valve earlier, STEAM allows you to gift them to anyone for free.

So there it is....first come first served - although to make it fair it will have to be someone active with-in the message board (i.e. 10 posts or more), rather than a complete stranger who just registered for the games. I'd like to gift my copies to someone who wasn't fortunate enough to play these wonderful games. All you need to have is a STEAM account and user name.

Pretty nice touch from Valve I thought.....anyway

Re: Halflife 2 plus Episode 1 Gift

Posted: 28/11/2007 - 23:45
by skitz
Put me down - I am a steampowered person very much into Counter-Strike:Source!

I even belonged to a Clan for a while - Spray'N'Pray !

Re: Halflife 2 plus Episode 1 Gift

Posted: 29/11/2007 - 7:25
by tomsk
Great Skitz - hope you enjoy them both. Let me know your Steam account name and I'll gift them on (either on here or PM me)

Re: Halflife 2 plus Episode 1 Gift

Posted: 29/11/2007 - 11:04
by C64GLeN
I've also got a Half Life 2 to give away, this looks like a good place to gave it. Anyone want it?

Re: Halflife 2 plus Episode 1 Gift

Posted: 29/11/2007 - 11:36
by DHS
I bought HL2 (boxed), Ep.1 (Steam) and Sin2 ep.1.

Now, to get Ep2 i should buy AGAIN HL2 and Ep.1.

No way.

This is a good bargain for new gamers who didn't buy the previous episodes, while the users that allowed the Valve guys to have bread on their tables are asked to give (again) money.

No way.

This is a good commercial move. To sustain piracy.