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Moog Song Producer for Commodore 64 Midi Interface

Posted: 10/01/2008 - 3:24
by PsychNerD ... 0208353789

Pretty cool, Moog and Commodore :) Just a software and midi/trigger interace but still...


Re: Moog Song Producer for Commodore 64 Midi Interface

Posted: 10/01/2008 - 9:03
by Tonka
I have to resist getting one of these as I would probably just never use it! Isn't it some kind of FM synth module also, as I remember?

[edit] Oh no - I'm thinking of the 'Sound Expander' keyboard which came with an fm synth on a cartridge. :roll:


Re: Moog Song Producer for Commodore 64 Midi Interface

Posted: 21/01/2008 - 17:20
by klaus klik
Er,just wondered.....

If the interface could possibly be compatible with the amiga as well????

if anyone has tried or knows someone who has,please let me know.