The day after ...

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Markus Schneider
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The day after ...

Post by Markus Schneider »

Hi folks,

I am back home from a tremendous weekend 8)

Thanks to the following people for the nice time we had:

The whole mates of X-AMPLE who are still the same as we met last time ten years ago like Thomas Detert, Michael Satzer, Thomas Heinrich and friends. I really enjoyed the time with u, buddies :D

Marcel Donné and Mike Gommans. We have had much fun, eating italian food, drinking beer and remixing Arkanoid in 2 hours to test how the new VST plugin works :D By the way: I have to state here that the SIDologie CD beats the sample clips hugely off. I think the CD is worth every penny.
After Marcel controlled the cd booth so bravely, he really accelerated through the party 8)

Lutz Osterkorn of Factor 5 for beeing everywhere with me at the following events.

And a real surprise to met some old school crackers, the c64 allstars #0016 and #0017. ZAZ and Speedcracker. The first party we made together was Radwar III and yesterday we followed the spirit of old days: they forced me to join their Vodka/RedBull session :shock: But against all odds I survived while they really had problems finding home *LOL*

Rafael Dyll for telling the RTL2 tv team how to interview him, doing some advertisement for :D

The RTL2 tv team for leaving me alone :P

Arvid for playing great (and sometimes a bit too loud) stuff :lol: Where the hell you did find that ? Good job !

Jan Morgenstern and Markus Holler. Always nice loosing discussions with Jan :lol: And Markus for beeing on my side. You both r doing great stuff !

Putzi for just beeing there and making me blind with dozens of photos. I swear this evening people took more photos with me than at my own wedding this year :lol:

Christoph Winkler of Synsoniq and especially Jan Zottmann for nice discussions about the scene and a very serious political discussion at 5am in his room with a table full of McDonalds burgers and some alcohol into us 8)

Peter Sandèn and Adam Lorentzon showing up much energy for the scene !

Stefan Hartwig for beeing my room mate and not beeing angry I came 5 hours later into our room. I hope I was gentle enough :P

Oliver Lindau for showing up.

2Klang for beeing engaged on the preparation :D

And last but not least Dr. Future who made the whole effort that we could have fun :D (a pity you couldn't relax as we could :cry: )

The only downer had been that some registered didn't disappear without a cancellation. Anyway I do not regret a single minute or cent I invested this weekend :!:

And finally to be honest it could last a day longer, because I didn't find the time to talk to everybody the way I would have liked to. If you feel spoken to, sorry: cu @ Brighton !
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Post by Chris Abbott »

> The only downer had been that some registered didn't
> disappear without a cancellation

This happened at Back in Time Live Birmingham, too. It always
happens to some degree, but it was particularly bad at Birmingham:
I really felt like sending an email to those people being angry at them,
but didn't :)

I hope it didn't impact Volker's finances too much... at least (like Birmingham) everybody had a fun time.

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Ups and Downs

Post by Rafael Dyll »

I had to leave at about 0:30 because I drove back home... Sorry about that, but I had some 5 hours there to talk to people and meet and greet. :)

Ok, some thoughts about the event:

- Finally met Markus Schneider and Thomas Detert
- Nice to meet many guys from the forum here like Putzi and Selecta Novel
- All the german members of the R64 V2 team in one room!
- C64 dance remixes in a disco enviroment seemed to work!
- Huelsbeck stuff got major play :)
- Bought 2 CDs, Marcel's and Immortal 2
- Got to shamelessly plug our great site and CD. Yeah!

- They only played *ONE* track from our CD! What a disappointment!
- Neil, O2, Lman etc were sadly missed
- It was bloody hot in there
- Drinks very expensive
- Selection of games ("Sex Games" guys???) was crap but that's just my opinion. Better would have been: California Games, IK+ and similar

I made some photos and will create a page on my site soon.


PS. Nearly everybody told me that I don't look as mean as my Avatar makes it look. :D
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Ups and Downs

Post by Rafael Dyll »

(sorry - this is a second post I did by mistake and cut away now.)
Last edited by Rafael Dyll on 22/06/2003 - 21:06, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by putzi »

Well, I think the DJ played far too much Hülsbeck´s commercial stuff. LMan should feel honoured, DJ played 3 of his Turrican-remixes ;-)
And besides, I got the feeling the DJ took guidance in my SixtyFour Megamixes tracklists, part 1 to 3, hehe! :-)
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Post by Chris Abbott »

- It was bloody hot in there
- Drinks very expensive
Also true of BIT Live 2 and 3... :)

In fact, a major condition of BIT Live Brighton to improve over BIT Live
3 is to have air conditioning!

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Post by Max Levin »

I'm not happy... I missed the whole event! :(
BUT I'll get happier if the most of you decide to attend at Brighton this September, I'll be there for sure! :) The X-AMPLE guys MUST meet for the first time in 10 years... again, so I can observe the great reunion, that is! :9[/b]

And btw, Putzi: upload the piccy's at once!! :D
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Post by Mayhem »

Well I'm just about still awake... and as the only seemingly UK rep there, I guess I should do a quick report :P

The club was about the same size as Gossips, though apart from about one hour where it was particularly packed, there wasn't a general crowd issue. Things never got TOO hot (thank the cold stream of air!) and the drinks were okay priced for a club (certainly cheaper than back here).

Great to see people I'd met before such as Marcel, Adam, Peter, Martin and good to meet new people such as Lutz and Thomas D. Can't complain about the selection of games to challenge on either ;)

Still... my arm is still sore from Decathlon :roll: :lol:

Post by Guest »

I liked the party for having the feeling of being "handmade". It had the right size.
Little story: I was in search of another joystick and was sent to a storeroom. There I found a guy from the club's staff sitting in front of a computer-monitor saying: "Hey wtf, isn't here any quite place where I can play this "Soccermaster"-game on my C64-emulator???".
Hehe, Soccermaster is a far unknown german footballmanager-game which I thought nobody except me has ever played...

In my opinion the sound could have been better, as I really had problems to hear any melodies, just boom-boom-boom. But then again, my ears are not really disco-adjusted.

Btw., Rafael, IK+ HAS been played from 10 to 11 on C64 #3, being dominated by Mat Allen from Mayhem64 (congratz, man!).

Regarding "Sex Games" I agree, but who cares? It's just for fun. And it was indeed funny, when a friends girlfriend who played the game, made the computer crash by obviously producing too much lust. :shock:

Greetings to all the nice people who filled the party with life & spirit by their appearance.

Monty (from Hamburg, not from Oberhausen :wink: )
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Post by Monty »

Decathlon broke my arm, too. :D
But now I managed to log in to Remix64 by using the left one :wink:

Monty (from Hamburg, not from Oberhausen )
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Post by Dr.Future »

Hi friends,

after finishing the cleaning and bringing back all the stuff from the club, some words:

It WAS hot, but who carez? 8)
It WAS nice, I hope everyone carez! :D
Raf, your avatar has sunglasses, you didn't wear them yesterday but you managed to oversee IK+? In fact, it has been played there, and in fact, Mayhem won the IK+ Competition (man, he won EVERY competiton, shame on you :wink: ).

It was a real pleasure to meet all the nice guys, but it was quite a little time to talk to everyone... :(

I really want to thank the following people for their great work:

Arvirus, he really rocked the place!

Markus Schneider, Marcel & Mike for supporting me in the nearly 4 hour lasting TV-project, I'm really interested how it's gonna be (for the german fans: check out RTL2 today & tomorrow at 20.00).

2Klang and Alex for great support during the mounting and for beeing really great friends (2Klang also 4 composing the nice theme)!

Markus Siebold for making some fans very happy! :wink:

André Bethge for his tremendous support during the mounting, the competitions and the audio- and video-preperations. You rule!

DK for beeing a really great moderator. Fantastic work, thanx a lot!

Courage/Protovision for all the hardware he provided, this guy is reliable, wow...

Shooters-stuff for beeing nice, good-looking & friendly... :D

Thomas Detert for being there and some nice talks...

Michael Kleps (refx) for being there (much too short!), nice talking and a cool deal! 8)

Mayhem for nuking ALL the competitons... :wink:

HVSC-Crew for some bloody insults, hehe... 8)

All the rest: You rule big time, too! Keep the scene alive, spread the word and see you all in Brighton!
Dr.Future - and music will never be the same!
Thomas Detert as a guest


Post by Thomas Detert as a guest »

Well, just droped in from Hamburg :wink:
We had a very bad traffic jam on our way back home ,which took us 6 hours to drive.... <b>BUT</b>
IT WAS a great SATURDAY , even my wife enjoyed it sooo much.....
It was such a pleasure to talk to all those friendly people there and and pleasure to meet you guys: A BIG SHOUT TO YOU :lol:

Meeting Markus Schneider again (after 10 years) was the biggest thing for me, and we still have the same red line my friend 8)

A big thanks to MARCEL DONNE for having some deeper talks with me 'bout the CS-80 and our genius <b>Big " V "</b> :lol:
Plus "fasten ya' seatbells Dorothy-'cos Cansas is goin' bye bye" :lol:
Unfortunately my "SIDOLOGIE" doesn't work proper - caused by a scratch on the back :(

PETER SANDEN :lol: took so much pictures - you must have been the paparazzi of the night my friend.. what can i say.. a real pleasure,too!

Of course a big HELLO to Jan Morgenstern, Markus Holler, Stefan Hartwig, PUTZI, 2KLANG, Mayhem, Rafael Dyll, Gösta Feiweier, Bjoern Odendahl, Thomas Koncina, Oliver Lindau, Thomas Heinrich and to everyone i have talked to last nite!!!!!
It was great to see you and to share this nite with all of you!

A special THANK YOU to Dr.Future , Volker.. i hope you'll do this again :wink: you did a great job mate !!!

I really will try to see you all at BRIGHTON ...

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Post by tas »

you better be in brighton pally, or i'll come over and sing to you ;)

makes sense ya know LOL ;)
td again

check out RTL2 today & tomorrow at 20.00).

Post by td again »

>>>>> check out RTL2 today & tomorrow at 20.00 <<<<<

well... no report :cry:
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Post by Dr.Future »

Yeah, RTL 2 sucked today, let's hope they'll bring it 2morrow.

Uh, sorry, I forgot to mention that Monty did a real great job, not only as a fair referee, but also as a hardware-supplier and a friend. Thank you so much! :)
Dr.Future - and music will never be the same!
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