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Roland JV-80 expansion board

Posted: 26/05/2008 - 15:29
by rambones
I installed an orchestra expansion in my Roland JV-80, but no extra soundbank pops up. there is ban A, B, intern, to press, how to make the exp board go active ?

Re: Roland JV-80 expansion board

Posted: 26/05/2008 - 20:47
by Analog-X64
Welcome back to the board Rambones!!! :)

As far as any documents I've read, once you install the expansion board, the New Banks should
automatically appear.

- Inspect the expansion board and make sure the contacts are in clean and in good shape.
- Make sure the Expansion Board is fully inserted and not sitting on an angle or anything.
- Does the JV-80 need a Firmware update to handle the expansion board? Make sure there is no version incompatibility.

Re: Roland JV-80 expansion board

Posted: 27/05/2008 - 7:12
by rambones
i'm more inclined to believe it's simply dead. its inserted correct, and there is no automatic anything happening when i turn the synth on. likely, the exp board is simply just dead. its original from 1992 that i bought in 2004 on ebay cheap. no firmware is needed. the manual says almost nothing, just that you can insert these boards.

Re: Roland JV-80 expansion board

Posted: 27/05/2008 - 8:23
by skitz
Have you checked to see if the teeth are clean at all? Might want to get an "eraser" and run it over the contacts just to clean them.

Re: Roland JV-80 expansion board

Posted: 27/05/2008 - 8:52
by Romeo Knight
Though I can't help you with your problem,
nice to see you back here, Rambones! :)

Re: Roland JV-80 expansion board

Posted: 27/05/2008 - 11:40
by rambones
it's brand new, but from 1992..

hey Romeo Knight! :-) i enjoyed the breakpoint concert via internet. but tell xerxes not to remix your tune so much, i prefer original :-)