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Saturday Night Warmup Back Again!

Posted: 29/05/2008 - 20:55
by skitz
Hello SNW Fans (if there are any of you?),

I have just realised that it has been almost a month now (Saturday 3rd May) since I last did my show on SLAY Radio :(

Just to let you all know that the show is not dead but will likely be on hiatus now until after my summer holiday in July.

Now for some good news and the reason I say "likely" above is that depending on whether I can broadcast from the places I am going to be in throughout June / July there might be the possibility of broadcasting a show but it obviously depends on the equipment being there and them wanting to do a show :) Here is my Saturday schedules for May / June / July:

May 31st: The XMAS Chortles gang are coming over to the SkitzHQ for a mini gathering (sans Boz and Kenz) but as we plan to go and trash Milton Keynes on Friday and Saturday (and the local pub on Sunday) this leaves little time for a show :)

June 7th: I have this booked out for a family gathering seeing that my birthday is on June 2nd. However, nothing has actually been booked so if it looks like nothing is going to happen I might do a show on this date :) UPDATE: Yes I can boogie on this date! :)

June 14th: I will be heading on upto Newcastle to visit WenchieHQ. It's my first time in Newcastle but I know that Wenchie wants to get into Radio broadcasting and so again there might be a possibility here depending on if we can get the gear set-up in time :)

June 21st: I shall be heading on over to that there Marcel Dónne's place in the Netherlands! All I have is a ticket to Düsseldorf Weeze Airport and no other information so I hope Marcel remembers I am coming. There could of course be a show this weekend depending on if Marcel is up to it or not...

June 28th: I shall be making my way over to the Bonus Basement Studio's in Gothenburg to see how Boz is settling into his new love nest :) Again, it depends on whether Boz (and I) want to stay in the house and do a show on what is likely to be a "Wonderful Summer's Day" in Sweden!

July 5th: Nothing booked so there will be show :)
July 12th: Sunning my ARSE cheek in the Isle of Wight!
July 19th: Sunning my other ARSE cheek in the Isle of Wight!

Now there is of course the possibility for me doing a show on other days during the week but at the moment it is extremely busy at work for me and as I am part of a US based team I tend to do most of it during the evenings. However, don't be surprised if you see a Monday Night or Thursday Night or even a Friday Night Warmup on the list soon :)

Anyhoo, I just thought I would post something as some of you thought I had quit DJing - I have not, it's just that for some reason as Boz said on his BBB I seem to have gained a life during June 2008. :cornholio:

Happy Happy Birthday !!!

Posted: 02/06/2008 - 9:03
by Ic3m4n
Happy Birthday, Skitzy !!! :cheers:

Wish you all the best & lots of presents, health & money :P Be yourself (as you always did) and have a nice party !!! Oh..and don´t overdo the drinking :duh:

Eismänn :mrgreen:

Re: Happy Happy Birthday !!!

Posted: 02/06/2008 - 23:34
by skitz
Ic3m4n wrote:Happy Birthday, Skitzy !!! :cheers:

Wish you all the best & lots of presents, health & money :P Be yourself (as you always did) and have a nice party !!! Oh..and don´t overdo the drinking :duh:

Eismänn :mrgreen:
Unfortunately I don't drink anymore so it's been Diet Coke tonight :(

Re: Saturday Night Warmup on Hiatus....

Posted: 23/06/2008 - 20:11
by FunkyM
Ey up Skitzy,

That real life, eh? Bloody annoying at times, lovely at others. Well, barring WoW commitments, you know you've got a fan in the Funkyman. :worship:

Idea! If you've ever a Monday night free, how about a Monday night Mix-up show?

Re: Saturday Night Warmup Back Again!

Posted: 18/07/2008 - 16:47
by skitz
So, I forgot that I returned from my holiday today and so I will be doing a show tomorrow if anybody is interested and also one on the 26th of July. The weekend after that I will be over in that there Göteborg to celebrate life, the universe and everything and I am pretty sure there will be at least one impromptu shows around that time.

Anyhoo, seeya all on the air tomorrow evening!

Re: Saturday Night Warmup Back Again!

Posted: 19/07/2008 - 13:54
by Chris Abbott
So, only one burnt ass cheek, huh? :)

Re: Saturday Night Warmup Back Again!

Posted: 19/07/2008 - 17:16
by FunkyM
W00T! :cheers:
:D :D :D

DJ Skitz - Guaranteed to make your Saturday Night AWESOME!