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Delta made out of moviesoundtrack?

Posted: 30/06/2003 - 12:23
by Martin (IR)
I got an interesting MP3 today. Philip Glass - Koyaanisqatsi. It sounds identical to the classic Delta tune by Hubbard, only it's made for the movie "Koyaanisqatsi" made in 1983.
Did Hubbard "borrow" the entire soundtrack fom the movie?
Maybe Chris knows something about this.

Info about movie:

Posted: 30/06/2003 - 12:37
by Chris Abbott
Hi Martin :)

> It sounds identical to the classic Delta tune by Hubbard
But it isn't identical. It's inspired by, but the actual notes are different,
the rhythmic structure is different, and it's legally distinct. I could
go into detail about it, but it would be terribly tedious!

However, that was where the inspiration came from. It's in STIL, too.
It's a similar story for IK and "Goodnight Mr Lawrence". Both are

The Delta In-game is a pastiche of "On the Run" from "Dark Side of the Moon" and other Phillip Glass stuff, which Wazzaw sent me once.
Very interesting. But still Delta is a legally distinct tune.


Posted: 30/06/2003 - 13:53
by Martin (IR)
Ok, I agree, it's not identical. But it's pretty similar. Well well, just thought it was cool anyway. Like a movie theme remix of the SID :)

Posted: 30/06/2003 - 14:50
by merman
Watch out for my feature on Delta, coming soon to the Remix64 website!

*blows his own trumpet*

Posted: 01/07/2003 - 10:24
by Marcel Donné
The melody in the Delta victory music is in fact a 1:1 copy of the Koyaanisqatsi title track/end music, only played 2 or 3 octaves higher. The original using bass notes.

Hope I didn't spoil it for anyone :wink:


Posted: 01/07/2003 - 11:45
by Chris Abbott
Delta Victory? First time I've heard that about it!


Posted: 01/07/2003 - 11:57
by Waz
Chris Abbott wrote: However, that was where the inspiration came from. It's in STIL, too.
That's right. Plus, the second section of the title theme of Delta is actually 100% Rob's original work (hence the title tune inspiration from Koyaanisqatsi is only to 0:52).

The in-game tune is inspired not just by On The Run, but a couple of other tracks from the Koyaanisqatsi film, namely "Pruit Igoe" and "Resource". I have the soundtrack on DVD-Audio and the film on DVD, so I guess I'd kind of recognise it. Note how the STIL quotes "inspired by" in its comment as well which backs up what Chris says.

Posted: 01/07/2003 - 13:10
by Marcel Donné
Chris Abbott wrote:Delta Victory? First time I've heard that about it!

Never mind my ramblings. Of course I meant the Delta title music :oops:


Posted: 01/07/2003 - 17:32
by tas
ha marcel!!!

you surely look like your avatar now ;)