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Small report from PPOT at Roskilde Festival

Posted: 30/06/2008 - 22:31
by beyond
Ok, we're back from the Roskilde Festival. We had a blast of a time as we played in front of about 2000 really excited now C64-rock fans :-) We've had two really harsh reviews with the exact opposite opinion of the audience - guess we can't please the finer palates of music :-) We don't care as the crowd was close to extatic the entire concert and yelled for encores (which they got)! You can see more (pics and a short video of Antiriad) here.

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Re: Small report from PPOT at Roskilde Festival

Posted: 01/07/2008 - 8:41
by Chris Abbott
Best... stage.... ever ;-)

Re: Small report from PPOT at Roskilde Festival

Posted: 01/07/2008 - 15:50
by Romeo Knight
Gigantic light show! I believe you had a blast there.
And don't give a shit for bad reviews as long as the audience and you had a good time.

Re: Small report from PPOT at Roskilde Festival

Posted: 01/07/2008 - 18:20
by beyond
We don't! But it is a little bit annoying when a 20 year old boy puts stuff like the review below (my quick translation) on the 'net. It's more a statement about his lacking empathy and knowledge but most people don't get that. Anyhoo, read it and weep!

"Press Play on Tape delivered tonight a concert that far from convinced yours truly of the justification in the band being placed next to serious upcoming-bands. If you've heard Red Warszawa (a Danish band that makes fun songs about controversial topics, in the beginning of their existance played really badly which was a part of their concept) you know what I mean when I say that the concept does not last more than half a song.

It could have been so good. A sextet playin C64 tunes analogously. A fantastic idea which is performed precisely to some extent but completely without charm. One should be a very huge c64 fan to get the best of Press Play on Tape's concert in the Junior Pavillion. And if you weren't the payoff would be close to zero.

For small periods of time the energetic band suceeded to alter the c64 music to almost excellent noise-rock. Unfortunately you were bored for longer periods by a band that most of all looks like some private joke that should have been kept private.

Whatever. They delivered one powerful medley of among others Nightrider theme (ie Knight Rider) and M*A*S*H (which we didn't play at all) but that does not apply for a 45 minuttes koncert. Of other highs I can mention their scam of Eminem's The Real Slim Shady which in the context made some sense. The vocal was good too in contrast to the rest of the concert where one---when there was vacals---often wished for it to go away.

Press Play on Tape appeals to a rather narrow target group and that you have to take into consideration. It is possible that the band functions well as a cover/humour band but the quality that night was non-existant. When even the Monkey Island theme sounds boring the band members promote themselves on nothing but the concept itself.

1 of 6"

Re: Small report from PPOT at Roskilde Festival

Posted: 01/07/2008 - 19:00
by Andreas Wallström
You played Roskilde guys! I'm very happy for you! Madison Square Garden next?

Re: Small report from PPOT at Roskilde Festival

Posted: 01/07/2008 - 19:08
by beyond
How'd you know? They just wrote us! :duh: :confusion:

Re: Small report from PPOT at Roskilde Festival

Posted: 02/07/2008 - 7:51
by Romeo Knight
Those reviews really hit bad notes. Do you have some video footage?

Re: Small report from PPOT at Roskilde Festival

Posted: 02/07/2008 - 8:05
by beyond
There is a short clip on YouTube, link is on the page linked to above. It's from a phone 1m from the stage - bad soundq.

(yeah, they really have a way of putting things down. By the end of the day the two reviews don't mention one single c64 tune title which only tells that they have no idea about what the whole thing is about... being a 20 year old reviewer is hard reviewing stuff from before you were born but then you have to study - hard!)

Re: Small report from PPOT at Roskilde Festival

Posted: 02/07/2008 - 10:24
by Chris Abbott
There's no one more arrogant than a 20 year old who knows nothing... except maybe a 15 year old who knows nothing :)

Re: Small report from PPOT at Roskilde Festival

Posted: 03/07/2008 - 6:53
by beyond
I think it is some kind of sour grapes situation. He's a musician himself. Maybe he's angry because he wasn't onstage instead of PPOT (and another (rap) band that he gave 0/6 "This is utter crap!"). Which makes perfect sense if you really think that neo-menopause-sobbing-rock(-with-a-jazz-twist) is the only way to go :? All in all a little bit confused but there are some good ideas in there...

Re: Small report from PPOT at Roskilde Festival

Posted: 03/07/2008 - 11:50
by Max Levin
What did the nice guys say then?
Btw, foolish of me for having missed this great event out, I have no trouble getting to Denmark :(

Re: Small report from PPOT at Roskilde Festival

Posted: 07/07/2008 - 8:27
by beyond
Well, first of all the entire tent was glowing during the concert - people really participated so that was a huge experience. It was like four or five times the people on The Rock (for those of you who've been there) with everybody cheering. We received a lot of positive feedback after the concert. Each time we play we encounter a couple of attenders that tells us that they've just had the best experience of their lives. Some of them forgot the music but then suddenly gets sucked back in time in a huge rush - one of the reasons we play :)

Then there's a couple of news papers that rates it 4/6 and 7/10 which pretty good :) Then we're mentioned on some blogs here and there with positive feedback too.

(Oh, btw: the reviewer mentioned above actually gave another act 0/6 and said it was utter crap - real mature).

Re: Small report from PPOT at Roskilde Festival

Posted: 07/07/2008 - 10:30
by Romeo Knight
And the video rocks.
Very tight performance. (though it's a very short clip)

Re: Small report from PPOT at Roskilde Festival

Posted: 07/07/2008 - 11:43
by beyond
Thanks, RK. Yeah, it is way too short :) We'd planned to get the whole thing recorded but our video photographer couldn't get a photographer's pass and he wouldn't have his new equipment in the pit - which it completely understandable. I would have loved to have the performance on tape! Also for you to look at, of course. No recording either, which is a pity too - would have been nice to have as well.

But we have to sets of photos - which is good!

Re: Small report from PPOT at Roskilde Festival

Posted: 07/07/2008 - 16:05
by Chris Abbott
Kind of ironic that Press Play on Tape couldn't get their performance on Tape ;-)

Must have been a read-only performance ;-)