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Any Swedes going to BIT Live 4 (Brighton)?

Posted: 02/07/2003 - 19:29
by Max Levin
Not because I need company this time(going to spend the weekend with my family there:)) but the more the merrier! :)

Posted: 02/07/2003 - 20:49
by Chris Abbott
* sigh *

There will be loads of Swedes Max :)

There will be loads of every nationality except perhaps Americans,
Belgians, and French. And not many people from Africa or Asia. And
probably not so many Austrians or Australians...

OK, the bulk of people will be from:


Of course, the other nationalities all add to the lovely cultural mix.


Re: Any Swedes going to BIT Live 4 (Brighton)?

Posted: 03/07/2003 - 8:56
by Guest
Max Levin wrote:Not because I need company this time(going to spend the weekend with my family there:)) but the more the merrier! :)
Yup, I will come, and this time I'll bring my girlfriend.

Posted: 03/07/2003 - 10:06
by Makke
I'll most likely be going, since Chris forced me to promise. ;)

I'm gonna have to cut down on my beer consumption for a while, but it'll most likely be worth it. :)

Though uni will have started again then, and as everything in my life atm anything can change at any time. :/ I'll have to start checking hotels and stuff out that my brokeass can afford...

Posted: 11/07/2003 - 14:34
by Sonic Wanderer
I might come. Very uncertain yet, though.

Posted: 15/07/2003 - 22:58
by Guest
I'll be there - åker från Skavsta - without girlfriend this year.

Morpheus / Flash Inc.

Posted: 22/07/2003 - 13:47
by Makke
Well, I ordered and payed for my ticket two days ago, so I guess I'll be going. :)

Posted: 22/07/2003 - 13:56
by Yodelking
Makke wrote:Well, I ordered and payed for my ticket two days ago, so I guess I'll be going. :)
Yeah! I bought my ticket as well 2 weeks ago or something. Nice to have the tickets fixed. Less that two months, and I'm already excited. :)

Posted: 25/07/2003 - 17:40
by Guest
Om någon åker från Skavsta så säg till! Och ring alla du känner! Alla måste komma till Brighton!

Morpheus / Flash Inc.

Posted: 28/07/2003 - 10:16
by Guest
Max: I will be there, and Melina will come as well! :D It will be nice to see you there!

Posted: 28/07/2003 - 10:24
by Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson
Mahoney wrote:Max: I will be there, and Melina will come as well! :D It will be nice to see you there!
Sorry - The "Guest" above is really me. I forgot to remove my sunglasses 8)

Anyway - I'm looking forward to meet you all there! :D

Posted: 28/07/2003 - 11:24
by Chris Abbott
Makke: can you let me know the flight details of you and Jan?


Posted: 27/08/2003 - 17:51
by Benn
Andreas wrote:I'll be there - åker från Skavsta - without girlfriend this year.
Damn - she was one of the main reasons for me agreeing to play in a band with you...I was going to suggest some 'photo sessions'... :)


Posted: 03/09/2003 - 16:52
by Rauli
I'll be there. Maybe on Friday. On Saturday for sure.