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Posted: 11/08/2008 - 9:19
by Infamous

Just discovered this on my hd, i assume when i was doing it i was drunk because i dont remember doing it, sure fire sign of musical genius that is ... ahem lol

needs a string/pad in there it sounds far too dry and alot more boom! noises and shit like that more padding out and it just might turn out ok.


Re: catalypse

Posted: 11/08/2008 - 17:42
by Razmo
Hi Infy...

I've nothing to add, but that my woofer seem to like your basss sound a lot :shock: ... maybe cut a bit of te lowend on tat... otherwise nice... I especially like the beginning of this.

Re: catalypse

Posted: 11/08/2008 - 18:03
by Infamous
aye, I'll have to run that through a compressor dropping its volume or the low end just makes it sound all muddy it totally disappears underneath the drum pattern (which i think needs to be compressed a bit too just to keep it in check, if you look at it with a wav editor you can see where it goes out of control and just blows up on both ends of the frequency lol), going to rejiggle the start a bit (not much) just needs a fair bit of fleshing out as it is its very ordinary.

Thinking of putting a small amount of reverb here and there, and ofc a string.. which is proving to be a pain in the arse aswell, still im pretty proud of it considering i was 6 sheets to the wind lol

Re: catalypse

Posted: 11/08/2008 - 21:23
by Razmo
Maybe a multiband compressor on the bass would work nice, so that you only mess with the low end (80hz - 120Hz and down)... I've gotten good results with multiband compression on bass as it takes away the boominess without killing the "Body" of the bass sound.

Personaly I use a hardware multiband compressor (T.C. Triple C), but I'm sure there must be the equivalent in software :)

Re: catalypse

Posted: 12/08/2008 - 7:19
by skitz
On my speakers the bass only sounds boomy when playing with the kick so maybe simply side-chaining the kick drum into a compressor on the bass channel will resolve it Benny Benassi style :)

Re: catalypse

Posted: 12/08/2008 - 14:50
by Infamous
things that have happened here.


sidechained the bass into the drum, this has had the added knock on effect of making the drum thump a bit more (which i like)

Run the bass through a bit of reverb, and also through a 2nd reverb unit with a really close reverb which is giving that grr noise

still no strings, but ive tidied up the sound a bit more, so a string can just be dropped in (in theory), just need to give it a decent middle, beginning and a end and were cooking.

Cheers for the suggestions hopefully this has improved it a bit.

Re: catalypse

Posted: 13/08/2008 - 13:36
by Razmo
It's better now Infy... but still my woofer goes bananas here... I might have to add, that it's my Subwoofer I'm talking about :oops: ... it's frequencies below 80 hz we're talking about.

I believe you could easily cut som lowend (80hz down) off the bass... if this weakens it, I'd still go for a compressor on the Bass itself...

I don't know if software multiband or fullband compressors can do the same as T.C. Electronics Triple-C, but it has an option where you can add together the compression of both the compressor itself, and the sidechain ... a joint effort so to speak... with this you could compress both the bass itself, and have a kick drum add to the compression of the bass sound.

I might be nitpicking now Infy, but that's my nature :duh:

Re: catalypse

Posted: 15/08/2008 - 13:11
by Infamous
hehe I dropped the signal very slightly it doesnt rumble as much but still goes OOOMPH nicely, im trying for the whole "club" sound and i think ive got it spot on so far.

Whats changed in this version?

Theres a sort of square string thingie that's helped fatten out the beginning, the start is finished (oxymoron!) and its about 90% complete, theres a few more bits i want to put in there, like a proper middle breakdown, mess about with the breakbeat section a little and have a bit of variation in it, turn down the backing square a tiny tad and i believe... its finished.

oh ps.. new version is on the 1st post "catalypse3"

Re: catalypse

Posted: 15/08/2008 - 16:57
by Vosla
Sounds a lot "rounder" now. Me likes. :)

Re: catalypse

Posted: 06/09/2008 - 14:08
by Infamous
Will be a little while before i release anything, as the remake competition has started and i have been snowed under with requests which even though it may sound like im complaining, i really aint i absolutely ADORE these compo's and the pressure that comes with trying to squeeze in 2895983259823 tunes in 3 months lol.

so hopefully, everything i've put up will be out for the end of xmas coming into the new year.

I'll clean up the current version of catalypse i have which is about 75% finished to whet appetites like and put it up later on today or tomorrow. thanks again guy's and especially razmo for the comments and idea's

Re: catalypse

Posted: 14/09/2008 - 20:29
by Amok
I like the sound... :D No pad needed here... :wink: