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SuperPlay issue 7 about 8-bit gamemusic!!!

Posted: 11/07/2003 - 12:22
by Max Levin
15 pages full of info and pictures of our beloved c64 composers!!! I bloody cant concentrate on writing these news, I cant get my eyes of the article! Whittaker, Galway and the bunch lay it on the table how much the games sucked, but "what the fuck we got payed!" evened it out. The mag also interviews Instant Remedy, PPOT and Machinae Supremacy that covers everything I wanna know from them!
BUT! That's not all! Tommy Rydling reviews the latest c64audio-albums (Sidologie, Remi64 volume 2, Crystal Dreamscapes) and BOY IS HE... er... scratch that last part. He aint very happy about them :(

Posted: 11/07/2003 - 13:06
by Chris Abbott
> He aint very happy about them
I figured he might not be. They're probably too far away from the SIDs to make much sense to ole' Tommy, an Instant Remedy fan. It's great music, but it's not particularly full of nostalgia.

I guess whatever he said explains why the interview with me he did probably isn't in the article!

Incidentally, that article in Superplay is actually based on the article I wrote for "Edge" and recently posted to Nice to see people actually reading these things :-P So it doesn't need translating!

Was he very insulting or just disappointed?


Posted: 11/07/2003 - 17:08
by Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson
From what I remember from browsing the mag, he sure was an IR-fan. But, well, everybody has the right to be that! Anyway, all publicity is good publicity, I should say!

I quickly found out that most of the contents were, as you said Chris, a translation of your excellent Edge-article. Great work, Chris!

Posted: 11/07/2003 - 17:50
by tas
ahhh old tommy, tommy tommy tommy tommy ;)

Posted: 11/07/2003 - 18:00
by tas
i can say there's nothing to be concerned about with old superplay. I've come to notice that ol tommy pal hates anything that isn't either swedish or dancey.

Lets say out of the 8 reviews remix64 has had that only superplay wasn't impressed. I settle my case!

tho this time i hope this time he actually reviews the CD's instead of attacking peoples ethics. The review of v1 actually didn't barely touch on the music itself. (ha! maybe he should read our review guidelines LOL!)

oh well, at least he's supporting the scene (er. I think)

Posted: 11/07/2003 - 18:20
by Chris Abbott
> oh well, at least he's supporting the scene (er. I think)
The problem is that the stubborn journalist thing gets in the way
of being supportive, since software companies are always
having a go at magazines for not reviewing their games with good marks.
I tried explaining that this scene is a lot more personal than that, but
I think he's been a journalist too long.

I don't think he got the bit in my email about Remix64 Vol 2 being
an independent release though.

From my point of view my main worry was that I'm not sure Crystal
Dreamscapes should have been reviewed in a computer mag at all:
it's really not that kind of album, since the tracks on it are generally very far from 1:1 covers. Sooner I get that damned New Age site up the better and sell to those crystal gazers the CD was meant for.

Actually Tommy told me he quite liked Sidologie, out of the three, reviews-wise. And obviously, few of us have seen the reviews yet


Posted: 11/07/2003 - 18:21
by Chris Abbott
> he sure was an IR-fan. But, well, everybody has the right to be that!
Nothing wrong with that unless it's to the exclusion of other things :)

I'm sure Martin and his stalker would agree :)

Posted: 11/07/2003 - 18:44
by Jim Power
Talking about those great journalists out there - there recently was an article about the "Immortal 2" album in a German printmag, where they didn't even manage to spell the album title correctly. In addition to that, they re-named "Shadow of the Beast" into "Show of the Beast"... :shock:

Posted: 11/07/2003 - 18:54
by tas
I'm not concerned if he's given it a bad review actually aslong as he actually reviews the product than reviewing the person behind it ;)

I have noticed that the guy seems to know more about computers than he does about music, so i kinda forgive (if only a little bit)

I'll not loose sleep over it tho, i find it more amusing than anything else :)

Posted: 16/07/2003 - 14:38
by tas
just had the translation come through today. I can honestly say i've never read something with so much amusement. The guy obviously doesn't get the the concept of the CD at all, infact he actually admits to it. Which amused me no end.

The people who have read it have been left scratching their head. With one of our musicians calling him."Clueless".

I suppose thats what you get when a computer magazine reviews something that doesn't involved a little guy running around the screen. They may know their games, but when it comes to music thats a different kettle of fish.

Anyway, all i can say is thanks superplay for the chuckle, best laugh i've had for ages. :)

Posted: 16/07/2003 - 17:12
by Chris Abbott
What I like is that someone sent me a translation of the other reviews :)

Oh, hang on, they didn't...


Posted: 16/07/2003 - 17:43
by tas
helps when you got a swedish member of the team, i unfortunately only got a translation of the v2 review. Otherwise i would have sent it along.

Posted: 17/07/2003 - 6:46
by Martin (IR)
>I've come to notice that ol tommy pal hates anything that isn't either swedish or dancey.

Guess I'm in luck since I'm both Swedish AND do dancey stuff :) Sonic Wanderer should also fit into this category...
Anyway, I think you're right, but I don't think he hate everything else, but he seems to prefer dancey stuff and I also think he likes the original SID sound too, to get the "retro" part.
He liked Sidologie quite much, so our theorys aren't watertight...

Posted: 17/07/2003 - 11:47
by tas
your right on all accounts IR. Ha! but after reading the review again my theory is kinda justified. The only track on the CD he seemed to like was Barbarian which he called Majestic which is by Carl Larsson who is wait for it...... Swedish! ;)

there are no other tracks by a swede on the CD.

Posted: 18/07/2003 - 6:35
by Yodelking
Tas wrote:your right on all accounts IR. Ha! but after reading the review again my theory is kinda justified. The only track on the CD he seemed to like was Barbarian which he called Majestic which is by Carl Larsson who is wait for it...... Swedish! ;)

there are no other tracks by a swede on the CD.
Learn from this guys! In the future only have swedish musicians on the CD's. :) I'm quite fond of IR's music. He has a pumping beat, and still has the SID sound and SID feeling of the tune.

Chris, please send URL to your EDGE article. I'd love to read it.