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Monotron ??? Coming 2008

Posted: 16/01/2009 - 22:23
by tomsk
Sorry Tonka, but I've been really looking forward to this release. Any news to report ?

Here's hoping things are still going well, and it's just a slight delay in release. I think we'd all prefer a later release if it means getting it right.

No pressure.... :)

Re: Monotron ??? Coming 2008

Posted: 27/01/2009 - 9:42
by Tonka
Hi Tomsk! Sorry for missing this - I don't come here nearly as much as I should at the moment!

Monotron cover EP and album WILL be released this year and I'm really glad you're looking forward to it. :)

The project went on an unofficial pause for a while, whilst waiting for the release of the new C64 MSSIAH cart/software update (which itself was delayed for several months) but is now back on track. On a personal note, the songwriting process is also going incredibly well, to the point where I now have a choice of songs to use for the album rather than having to scrabble around for a filler or two!

Thanks for your patience and sincerely I hope it will be worth the wait! :D
