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Rob Hubbard watches the Watchmen?

Posted: 08/03/2009 - 21:45
by FunkyM
Hey all,

Watched Watchmen film Yesterday. Good Film, lot of violence. Hurm. [/rorshach]

But yeah, couldn't help noticing that Dr Manhattan was scored to a piece of music surprisingly similar to sections of the Delta ingame tune. Of course I know that the music used was actually Phillip Glass, but hey, it just adds another level of Geekery to an already geeky pleasure.

Kudos to Hubbard, Zach Snyder, and all of us, everyone!

Re: Rob Hubbard watches the Watchmen?

Posted: 09/03/2009 - 9:51
by DaveT
I noticed that as well... especially the last part is exactly the same. I liked it...

Re: Rob Hubbard watches the Watchmen?

Posted: 10/03/2009 - 17:32
by dan gillgrass
The Kon-sohardtotypeandsay-i tune was used in one of the trailers.....

Off to see the movie tonight... looking forward to it :)

(and after seeing the movie... I thought it was pretty pants, comic book was way way superior)

Re: Rob Hubbard watches the Watchmen?

Posted: 12/03/2009 - 19:46
by Infamous
Minus the giant alien squid of perpetual doom.. and the boat (which apparently will be in the 4hr long directors cut) its pretty much word for word to the comic imo.

It even includes all the little visual aids that the comic had, if theres anything that zach is good at its comic book to movie adaptions, 300 was SPOT ON you could flick through the novel and watch the movie at the same time and nothing was missed out, apart from what had to be changed because a normal audience wouldnt have got a giant squid suddenly appearing at the end of the movie (or the comedien flying over the top of it at the beginning.. a non fan would have been all.. whats that?.. what?.. wheres the relevance!) so they had to adapt it for the non comic reading fraternity too.

same as they did with lord of the rings and very few people complained about the total butchery of that book to movie, because it worked cinematically. same with the watchmen.
Forget theres a book of it and go watch it on its own merits and its really good and as a massive fan of the novel and mr moore I am best pleased with what they came up with.

The only thing that was a bit meh for me was richard nixon.. the guy that played him.. what the fuck was going on with his nose for god sake?!..

Re: Rob Hubbard watches the Watchmen?

Posted: 13/03/2009 - 15:13
by dan gillgrass
Infamous wrote: The only thing that was a bit meh for me was richard nixon.. the guy that played him.. what the fuck was going on with his nose for god sake?!..
Lol, now THAT was a comic nose! :) I would have ducked if it had been in 3D ;)