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Remixing Attempt bad start.

Posted: 05/04/2009 - 11:51
by Analog-X64
<Sigh> yesterday I was going to make an attempt to start making a remix of something.. not sure yet what :)

I powered up my music production PC only to find the CMOS battery was dead all my settings gone. Took me some time to find my settings and restore them.

After 250MB of Microsoft Patches, I finally was ready to record something, I had a few tracks down with some ideas.. went to drag a window, while the pattern was being looped and the PC Froze. I couldnt ctrl-alt-delete and caps/lock light was not going on/off sure sign of frozen pc. I let it play for about 10 mins I figure it might unfreeze no luck.

I had to power down and power up, and wouldnt you know it my Raid controller complaining that the Raid Said was not synched. There went the rest of the day. 500GB HD had to re-sync.

I'm rethinking the Raid thing again, I might just format both 500GB Drives separately and just make regular backups from one drive to the other.

I might make another attempt today.

Re: Remixing Attempt bad start.

Posted: 05/04/2009 - 16:19
by trace
Bad start indeed, good luck with you remixing mate, looking forward to it :D

Re: Remixing Attempt bad start.

Posted: 05/04/2009 - 16:40
by Amok
Ouch... but things only can get better... :wink:

Re: Remixing Attempt bad start.

Posted: 05/04/2009 - 20:03
by Vosla
Oh, well. What a shitty day then. Hopefully from now on it works without further hassles for you... :confusion:

Re: Remixing Attempt bad start.

Posted: 07/04/2009 - 0:45
by Analog-X64
So I re-built my system, I'm not longer using the Raid system. Instead have formatted both 500GB Drives as a Main Data and Backup Data.

I'm going to have an automated Backup copy anything new added to the Main Data Drive to the Backup Drive.

I'll start recording something this weekend, a few Original and some non scene/c64 remixes first to get me started.

Re: Remixing Attempt bad start.

Posted: 07/04/2009 - 9:07
by Tonka
I set up a RAID system (RAID 0, IIRC?) a few years ago for faster disk access for multitracking. The increase in data access was actually minimal but reliability went right out of the window! I ended up doing exactly the same as you have .

Just keep it simple M8, that's my motto. :)

Re: Remixing Attempt bad start.

Posted: 07/04/2009 - 10:41
by Analog-X64
Tonka wrote:I set up a RAID system (RAID 0, IIRC?) a few years ago for faster disk access for multitracking. The increase in data access was actually minimal but reliability went right out of the window! I ended up doing exactly the same as you have .

Just keep it simple M8, that's my motto. :)
I Setup a RAID 1 system, because of my last Hard Drive crash which took everything with it.

Although RAID works great on a Server, it does not work well on a Desktop PC. A Simple PC Crash/Freeze was causing the RAID to try and Re-Synchronize from one drive to the other, and that took many hours to do. So in theory a good idea but not practical in reality.

I have another Crazy idea for backups but I'll post that in another thread.

Re: Remixing Attempt bad start.

Posted: 07/04/2009 - 21:08
by RobinsonMason
Well if you ever need an idea for a C64 remix that hasn't been done yet, I've got loads of them in the requests section of the forum! :P :wink:

Re: Remixing Attempt bad start.

Posted: 07/04/2009 - 21:55
by Analog-X64
RobinsonMason wrote:Well if you ever need an idea for a C64 remix that hasn't been done yet, I've got loads of them in the requests section of the forum! :P :wink:
Thanks... I think that will be a long time from now... any C64 Remix attempt at the moment, will qualify for Chris's Worst SID Remix project. :)