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Car Parking for the event

Posted: 04/09/2003 - 10:25
by Franksey$D012
I'm driving down from Sunny Nottingham by the Sea on the Saturday, doing the full day till 2am and then driving back (I'm crazy like that, lol)

I saw on one of the maps that there are 2 car parks near the venue, but are these open 24 hours, so I can get my car out at 2am or later?

Looking forward to this event! :)

Posted: 04/09/2003 - 10:58
by Chris Abbott
OK, the Russell Road NCP is 24/7.

Here's the tariffs

1 hour = £1.20
2 hours = £2.60
3 hours = £3.70
4 hours = £4.80
6 hours = £6.80
9 hours = £10.00
12 hours = £12.00
24 hours = £14.00

Night rate
6pm -> 1am = £4.50
6pm -> 9am = £6.60

Should probably put these on the website...!


Posted: 04/09/2003 - 11:45
by Franksey$D012
Ok thanks for the quick reply, looks like £14.00 for me, but even that combined with the entry fee is cheaper than a typical night out in Nottingham and its going to be a whole lot more memorable, worth the pennies!

Posted: 04/09/2003 - 11:47
by Chris Abbott
> Sunny Nottingham by the Sea
Can't fool me! I used to live in Beeston, so I know Nottingham
is landlocked (apart from the River Trent, obviously)...!!


Posted: 04/09/2003 - 12:04
by Franksey$D012
"by the sea" might be a loose term, I guess we're "by the sea" if you have no concept of distance, which maybe I don't with regard to driving back from Brighton at gone 2am :-)

Posted: 05/09/2003 - 2:24
by madfiddler
The other alternative you have are:

Parking in Madera Drive, where there could be free spaces but a walk along the seafront.

Parking near Preston Park station, getting the train into the centre, and then cabbing it back afterwards.

Cab should be less than £10.

Posted: 05/09/2003 - 8:10
by Chappers
Chris Abbott wrote:> Sunny Nottingham by the Sea
Can't fool me! I used to live in Beeston, so I know Nottingham
is landlocked (apart from the River Trent, obviously)...!!

Got happy memories of Beeston. Stayed there with a couple of mates while sampling the delights of Rock City & The Rig. :P

Was at a huge student house which was straight out of The Young Ones - had to smile when Motorhead's "Ace of Spades" was put on the morning after a night out. :lol:


Posted: 15/09/2003 - 21:18
by AdamDawes
Did any of you guys have 'fun' getting out of Russell Road NCP after the event?

We found ourselves stuck there at 01:00 with only two pay machines, both of which only took coins, and nobody working there. Oh, and we only had £9 in coins (5 pounds short of what we needed). Great fun! Took us about 25 minutes (and a bit of luck) to get out. :-/


Posted: 15/09/2003 - 21:43
by Franksey$D012
AdamDawes wrote:Did any of you guys have 'fun' getting out of Russell Road NCP after the event?

We found ourselves stuck there at 01:00 with only two pay machines, both of which only took coins, and nobody working there. Oh, and we only had £9 in coins (5 pounds short of what we needed). Great fun! Took us about 25 minutes (and a bit of luck) to get out. :-/

Oops, I think I might have seen you guys as we were merrily pumping coins in to the machine, we were there at 1am and I did notice to my left 2 guys, one of you possibly wearing a top with some graphics or lettering on. We had 2 things on our mind, one was the 3 hour sprint back to Nottingham and secondly I was dying for the loo and decided we were going to check out of the carpark and do a quick lap around the block and briefly go back in to BIT so I could relieve myself!

Wish you'd said something, as I remember it looked like you were waiting for someone, which clearly in some way you were!

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 22:00
by AdamDawes
It's no problem Franksey, don't worry about it. :-) Mark Stacey and I were there along with Matrix (whose real name I don't know -- though I'm sure someone will fill me in). We managed to scrape the coins together but it was a pain. But at least we only had a 90 minute drive, Matrix was telling us to had to drive for hours and hours to get home! :-/

Never mind, a small inconvenience after such an awesome show. :)

Posted: 16/09/2003 - 1:10
by Matrix
Hey Adam ... real names Andy fyi :) - yeah i finally got out.... went to the bar in the brighton ctr with a 20 note and they changed it into £1 coins for me - i was away less than 10 mins later.

That WAS fun tho huh :) a 24 hr enquiry desk - the lights are on, but nobody's home lol ..... hope nobody else came a cropper. Good part of the whole thing tho for me was that i saw 4 GORGEOUS girls (with wonderfully round bottoms may I add *muhahahaaaa* ) entering the car park lobby, so i let them know the problem. I had £6 left over change so swapped em a fiver to get out - I managed to get 2 phone numbers, a kiss and a bit of a bum-grope lol Ahhhhh Brighton, Fair Brighton.....

Next year, Chris .. BRIGHTON AGAIN ... PLZ :D lol.....

PS: i was still awake by the time i got to peterborough - so i just dropped evil-zippy at home and carried on.. i got in at 7:30am - PHEW !! lol what a night !!

Alternative cheaper car park, err I think.

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 13:11
by Hacky
For next time, if it's in Brighton again that is:

I don't know it's name but my mate parked there and it was much cheaper I think, and was still 24 hour. Um, how to explain? Ok, imagin u r standing on that main road with the sea to your back and the Brighton Center facing you. Turn left, and the next car park down that road, on the same side as the Brighton Center obviously, or it would be in the sea, is an underground car park, so don't miss it, and I think it's cheaper. Don't quote me though!


Posted: 17/09/2003 - 13:57
by StudioX64
Amazingly enough, we arrived at 7:30pm on Friday night and managed to park 50 yards from our hotel door, on the road side. Parking was completly free :) - we had made contingency plans to use the 24hr NCP car park but luckily didn't have to. What was even more amazing was that the car was still in one piece when we came to go home :)

PK [StudioX64].

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 14:03
by Matrix
Thats the thing with NCP see - plusses and minuses ..... the NCP is expensive, but you get security cameras and a secure environment.. without paying the car stays where it is. On the road however, the car can goto norwich b4 u realise it, or fought over by drunks,bumped by a drunk driver etc .... but is watched by the police who appeard to have a pretty much omnipresent attitude !

Swings n roundabouts m8 :)

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 18:13
by Tim Forsyth
Hi Hacky,

I think thats the car park we stayed in and its underground. We got there around 7 and left just before 1am. It was called the Regency. Cost 2 quid! Bargain.

Feel sorry for all the poor people who had to dash back home to places like Nottingham and such. Southampton seemed to take ages to get to, but really it was only 1 1/2 hours - must have been a struggle after an all dayer like that to have to do 4 hours+ of driving.
