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Missing musicians from Remix64

Posted: 24/07/2010 - 17:33
by buzzard
I've noticed a distinct absence of music from my favourite musicians this year leading to a lack of uptempo tunes on the site. Where's Hazel or Dafunk?

I do like the original retro feel of alot of the tunes this year but I prefer to have my ipod loaded with stuff like Hardcore Power (an absolute classic) and Summer.

Oh and will someone get Nina Luna in a room and not let her out until she's recorded an entire acappela cd?

Re: Missing musicians from Remix64

Posted: 24/07/2010 - 17:58
by trace
Many of us has "real life stuff" going on and doesn't have much time to do remixing or music at all for that matter but I think stuff will come along when you least expect it :D

And some of us maybe are working on other stuff and doesn't have time for something else :D

And maybe we wait a while to release something so the newcommers can release theire stuff :D

Re: Missing musicians from Remix64

Posted: 24/07/2010 - 21:11
by Razmo
Check the thread in the general forum by Infamous about the scene in 10 years... it has some views on exactly this topic.

If you ask me, there may be a connection to this forum's missing activity... I guess there is a limit to how much stuff people want to throw out on RKO for free, and only getting a few shouts from the usual hardcore raters... this is from my part not bickering about the current state, just my thoughts on why people leave... I, myself want to talk about the scene, the tools, the gossip, the innovative, the funny... everything C64, SID and beyond... not just pump out a lot of free stuff and recieve ratings.... I want a community, not a chart.

In Denmark we have a saying that goes "You only get the fun you make yourself", and that is what this community is feeling like at the moment (with a handful of exeptions... don't have to make it worse than it really is), and I bet some remixers simply get bored with the lack of activity and look to something different.

I might be wrong... I hope I am...

Re: Missing musicians from Remix64

Posted: 25/07/2010 - 12:55
by Analog-X64
Hey buzzard, like Razmo said,

go read this topic:

Also all you have to do is look at the Remixer of the Year 2008, 2009 and you will
get a list of who's missing.

Firefox used to be a regular, but I think he formed a band or something and moved on.
Moog and Dafunk were regulars too.

Just check out the Remixer of the Year list.

Re: Missing musicians from Remix64

Posted: 25/07/2010 - 16:54
by buzzard
I can understand what Infamous is saying in that post - this is a nostalgia site and there are only so many ways you can remix The Last Ninja tune - the material is limited and sometimes fruitless trying to keep coming up with newer and more exciting ways to remix what's been done many times before.

This may sound slightly contreversial (moreso by the fact I've only just started to frequend these boards despite beeing a listener for many years) but there is plenty of room for this great site to evolve beyond just the C64 and Amiga.

I've written or remixed several tunes this year of which only about 30% have been game remixes.
I do this as a hobby only and share my music with only a handfull of people. I appreciate there is an 'other releases' section, however I'd personally like to see this available in the more prominent area where the C64/Amiga releases are - it may bring more new blood onto the scene.

Still, I'm desperately trying to revive Med Sound Studio as it's a product I passionately believe in - so what do I know :hysterical:

Re: Missing musicians from Remix64

Posted: 25/07/2010 - 21:53
by Analog-X64
We need new blood, and also we need to rekindle that fire for those who have been here for a long time. :)

Re: Missing musicians from Remix64

Posted: 26/07/2010 - 5:48
by Infamous
I took my 4 months off and I definitely feel alot better for it so I can understand why people do walk off for a while. Im still not setting out to purposefully remix something like I used too, If i remix something its an on the spur type thing and I think my music benefits from that as I say.. i definitely enjoy it more.

It is a shame we don't hear much from moog/dafunk/hazel etc (though if you search around there is plenty of new stuff by all 3 of them) im sure they'll pop up now and then .. I'd like to hear more stuff from people like DHS, Lman, larsec etc personally speaking and i guess only time will tell if they'll pick up the baton again.

But as mr X say's theres plenty of young talent coming through and lots of new and cool music to listen too so.. lets just enjoy that for now :-)