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Jesus on E's

Posted: 09/08/2010 - 19:50
by buzzard
Not to everybody's taste but an epic original from LSD/Echo.
I was listening to it on Youtube a few weeks ago and it brought back a good few memories, so in the interest of nostalgia, I thought I'd give it a work over.

Encountered a few challenges along the way - namely sourcing the original samples (going through my CD collection from the early nineties - suffocating on the dust) and running out of instrument slots in MED Sound Studio.

I have to warn you - it's long. The original was about 25 minutes and I've elaborated on that slightly as I got carried away a little...... About 45 minutes now :oops:

I need a bit of inspiration as there are a few parts that need fixing but the track is that large, it's a mare cycling through the instruments and blocks.

Re: Jesus on E's

Posted: 09/08/2010 - 21:55
by Analog-X64
WOW!!! :) thats quite a lot of work. I'll have to clear my schedule and have a complete listen :)

Re: Jesus on E's

Posted: 10/08/2010 - 7:27
by vurtX
Awesome work buzzard, this is truly epic and surely wins the award for longest remix of all time! All the samples are clean and the amount of variety is immense, you have to upload this monster - probably in 3 parts its so bloody big!

Re: Jesus on E's

Posted: 10/08/2010 - 17:12
by nummer2
8) absolutly great work 8) sounds so cool

Re: Jesus on E's

Posted: 11/08/2010 - 16:42
by buzzard
Cheers for the feedback.

I found a few timing errors towards the end which have now been fixed and it's re-upped.

Not sure about the tuning in the last section - anyone noticed or does it sound ok?

Re: Jesus on E's

Posted: 02/10/2010 - 18:49
by spoonwzd
Sounds fine to me!