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Please help!

Posted: 15/01/2011 - 1:22
by KaLore65
Hi my fellow Amigans,

A think this is a little off topic here but I`m posting this on as many of the other Amiga Forums as possible.
I was an avid Public domain swapper & as such came across many classic Modules, after losing my entire collection over a year ago through fire I have managed to obtain some of these modules but a few in particular continue to elude me.

This disk as far as I remember was part of the Digiviewer slideshow collection that also featured one of my favorate mods but I don`t know what it was called.
Some of the slides featured a horse & carriage as well as images of a multi coloured cable ribbon & a ferrari, can`t really remember much more as I said it was the module I listened to rather than the images. can anyone point me in the right direction as to the title of the mod or even the demo title so I can obtain this.

If this topic is in the wrong place I apologise for my intrusion.

My Respects

Re: Please help!

Posted: 15/01/2011 - 20:38
by logikstate
It might be one of the 17 bit software slidesshows