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68 Back In Time Live Brighton 2003 Pictures.

Posted: 16/09/2003 - 23:22
by StudioX64
I have finally got round to putting up my image gallery for Back In Time Live - Brighton 2003. 68 pictures in total to trall through. Feel free to add comments to the bottom of each picture, especially if you are in them :) then I will know who you are.

You can find them here:

Simply follow the link on the left to Back in time 2003.


PK [StudioX64].

Posted: 16/09/2003 - 23:51
by Larsec
Great piccies, thanx :)

Posted: 16/09/2003 - 23:59
by Matrix
Some REALLY nice quality pics there man ..... what megapx is that thing ? - mine was 1.3mp and the quality was rubbish compared to your shots - even the lighting is spot on !! - quite frankly im jealous lol...

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 7:17
by StudioX64
Matrix> thanks. The camera in question was a Nikon Coolpix 995, it's a 3.4 megapix. Shots were mostly taken in manual shooting mode with shutter speeds around 1/4 - 1 second.

PK [StudioX64].

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 9:16
by beyond
Very nice set of pictures.

We should have a thread in this forum with ONLY image/movie URL posts and nothing else... :)

-Theo, PPOT

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 9:33
by Mayhem
StudioX64 wrote:Matrix> thanks. The camera in question was a Nikon Coolpix 995, it's a 3.4 megapix. Shots were mostly taken in manual shooting mode with shutter speeds around 1/4 - 1 second.
A damn fine camera. How do I know? Because that's what I own also! Sadly my father dropped it the weekend before and knackered the focus mechanism on it, hence I had to use normal film for BIT :roll:

Great photos too Paul ;)

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 9:59
by Vinny
Mayhem wrote:
StudioX64 wrote:A damn fine camera.
Not anymore it aint thanks to your Dad!

Thanks pop!

BTW Paul, nice pictures! I had no idea you were taking those pictures of Me talking to Simon Nichol! :)

my choosen medium

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 10:14
by StudioX64
Vinny> he he, yeah my choosen medium is taking photographs of people without them knowing (present company of wife accepted :)) it provides a much more natural shot.

PK [StudioX64].

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 11:37
by Matrix
I agree with Theo.. lets have a sticky dedicated graphics only thread :)

Re: my choosen medium

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 11:41
by Vinny
StudioX64 wrote:Vinny> he he, yeah my choosen medium is taking photographs of people without them knowing (present company of wife accepted :)) it provides a much more natural shot.

PK [StudioX64].
It works!

I hate it when people want you to recreate a scene that REALLY happend a few seconds before. Like when someone trips over and the person with the camera goes "Oh, oh, oh, hold on! Do that again". My mum is one for "come on, stand together, pretend you are talking to each other, smile, take a sip of your drink, smile ........". FUCK OFF MUM !!

heh heh :)

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 14:00
by Subzero
Img14 - the only time I've ever maneged to pretend to look serious!!!

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 14:06
by Matrix
Hey Sub - my baby avatar wants ur baby avatar 1 on 1 :D lol ..... if this is a stareout contest again - this will be a LOOOONG DAY lol.