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Best moment of the event ...........

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 11:24
by Vinny
I was just wondering what you guys and gals thought the best moment was for you at BIT 4? This would be a "moment" that made the BIGGEST impact on you :-)

Mine was meeting Simon Nicol as I had no idea he would be there and he was very kind and loads of fun to chat to.

What's your best BIT 4 moment?

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 11:37
by skitz
I must admit I probably owe Simon Nicol a big apology for not explaining very well why I couldn't play his demo no the big screen projector during the interval :(

It was very loud and I tried explaining that Uffe's machine only sent out an overlay to the projector so an emulator would simply not have worked and I couldn't use my other machine because it didn't have a floppy drive which is what he gave me to load up.

I must admit I didn't know who he was until I saw some of the pictures on the galleries around the place.

So if you are reading this Simon: Sorry if I snapped at you at all but when you came up to me I was having serious problems with the HD recorder and my stress level was through the roof :oops:

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 11:43
by Vinny
oh dear! OH DEAR INDEED!

heh heh, now THAT'S what a call an impacting moment ;)

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 12:14
by beyond
When we formed PPOT, knowing we were going borderline with this incredibly weird idea, we were joking about all the improbable things we should do: Play at, play at the Roskilde Festival (hasn't happened yet) and against all odds we should play live with the original composers. Well, that has happened now - had to pinch myself a couple of times while being on stage. :) :)

And of course speaking to all at the event, meeting people I've never met before (nice to finally meet you, Mahoney!) and of course all the known faces (sorry, Boz, for not seeing that it was you! That beard of yours changes you quite a BIT :) )

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 12:28
by Chappers
My favourite moment was meeting Vinny Mainolfi and Frank Gasking for the first time.

Was chatting with Vinny for ages about his appearance on the phone-in for Steve Wright many years ago on Going Live - he mentioned his uncle had worked in TV before and had conditioned Vinny on how to impress for the selection for the 10 people who get through to the live phone-in. Those of you who have seen the Realplayer clip will know it was a superb performance from Vinny. I've got it still on my PC so I'll dig it out tonight. :D

Only met Vinny by accident when he was buying something from the CD shop. I had bought some Bouff stuff from Kenz and got a free poster. Vinny was after a poster tube and had asked me where I got mine. Exciting stuff there, I'm sure you agree :)

It was good to see Frank also. He's put a lot of hard work into the Games That Weren't site and the more publicity we can get for that, the better.


Posted: 17/09/2003 - 13:10
by Vinny
heh heh, I am very flatterd! Thank you. :oops:

How the hell am I going to fit my head through the door way now?!


It was good meeting you too Paul. I was a bit gobsmacked that someone reckognised me! And for being "on TV" too!!

Thanks :-)

HOLD ON A SEC! You were taking the piss with your post right?

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 13:50
by Chappers
Vinny wrote:
HOLD ON A SEC! You were taking the piss with your post right?
Ok, I admit it. Your Going Live impression was pants, any clown could do that (and I should know!)

And worse still, you came across as a shameless attention-grabbing media-whore with no redeeming features whatsoever :)

*pant* *wheeze*

Feel better now :lol:


Posted: 17/09/2003 - 13:55
by Vinny
Phew! That's more like it.

I didn't think anyone could be THAT sad :)

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 14:16
by Chappers
Vinny wrote:Phew! That's more like it.

I didn't think anyone could be THAT sad :)
Relief all round, methinks :)


Posted: 17/09/2003 - 14:21
by Vinny
So what was your best moment at Bit 4 Paul?

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 14:42
by Chappers
Vinny wrote:So what was your best moment at Bit 4 Paul?
It would have to be getting a big hug from Mark Haitch Bee for "kudos for wearing that suit". Wore a suit to the concert, y'see.

Mind you, he was hugging a lot of other people as well (you're me best mate, facking brilliant concert etc. etc.). Very much a people person.....

....and crackers as well.....but then it is getting close to Christmas.


Think I'll have me lie-down now :)


Posted: 17/09/2003 - 16:19
by Darrenxyz
There were lots of moments I will remember... suddenly recognising Boz with his new beard, suddenly recognising Stoo with his new beard, suddenly recognising Martin Galway with his new beard...

Also, a guy holding a door open for me, and I said to him, "Have you seen Pirates of the Caribbean? Cos you're in it. You look just like Captain Sparrow," and then remembering it was Ben Daglish. Luckily he didn't seem too offended. (Hm, although he might be now I've put it on a messageboard. Anyway...)

The moment with the biggest impact was when Ben was pretending to interview me with that camera with his hand being the big microphone sticking out the front, and he hit me on the nose with it.

And of course being bought a drink by the biggest star of the show - Paul Chapman!


Posted: 17/09/2003 - 17:22
by AdamDawes
Shaking Rob Hubbard's hand was the best moment of the day, seeing Mark playing the violin was up there too. :)

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 17:41
by dan gillgrass
When I approached Martin Galway he was like "I havent seen you for a good while.." :shock: it was like, he knew me! or maybe I just made a complete bafoon of myself infront of him last time...

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 17:50
by Chappers
dan gillgrass wrote:When I approached Martin Galway he was like "I havent seen you for a good while.." :shock: it was like, he knew me! or maybe I just made a complete bafoon of myself infront of him last time...
Martin said the same to me when I was sat next to him just before the photoshoot started :)

He remembered the photo I had taken with him at Birmingham.
