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Why is it, I'm running a 8 bit, old system on my 3,2GHz PC?

Posted: 23/09/2003 - 9:27
by ImperialWizard
Yesterday I loaded ccs on my PC, to play a few with Krakout. My father(he's not a computer expert) was at our home to visit his grandsons, and saw this. He was really wandered and ask: did you brought an old C64 -as he see the monitor's screen???
I sad: no I just play a little with my favourite games.
He said: and what about Unreal II. ??

So, why we use c64 emulators and play c64 games, when here is a lot of 3D high tech game and other stuffs (x-box, ps2, etc.)???

Why YOU do this???

Posted: 23/09/2003 - 10:55
by trace
I play c64 games on my pc cause my fingers itch and i NEED to play a game :) and partly because i don't have a real c64 :)

I wish i had a real c64 cause the enjoyment of sitting and waiting til the games have been loaded, i don't understand why everything have to go so fast nowadays :shock:

The grafic and playability on the games was great, really got stuck in your head :)

btw, does anyone else have that sound crackle on the emulator ccs ?

Posted: 23/09/2003 - 10:56
by dan gillgrass
Because flash 3d/fps dont often make great games and I would rather boot up a game such as LN2 than Unreal2 because a)LN2 is far more playable and b)it floods me with nostalgia and c) LN2 has way better music

mmm.....tho Hugh Riley was invovled in both games....its a small world.

Posted: 23/09/2003 - 15:33
by Larsec
Gameplay for me (blended with nostalgia).... I remember a smaller LAN party where 16 people were playing a DOS game called lightbikes for 8 hours straight... All the newest and most fancy games were represented you might say at the party but a game where you are represented by a colored line, move forward, creating a line behind you (like in nibbles/snake), trying to stay clear of the other players' lines is what we played... Great fun! :D

Posted: 23/09/2003 - 19:16
by Subzero
even though i have 3 C64's and 100's of games in storage, I still use gamebase to play my C64 games, makes sense doesnt it?

Posted: 23/09/2003 - 20:41
by Subzero
even though i have 3 C64's and 100's of games in storage, I still use gamebase to play my C64 games, makes sense doesnt it?

Posted: 24/09/2003 - 11:41
by merman
One of the reasons I got a new PC last year was to get Net access so I could download loads of C64 stuff...

Trace, you need to adjust the sound parameters, hit F9 or ALT+O to get into the options and go to "Sound"...

Posted: 24/09/2003 - 12:03
by CraigG
subzero wrote:even though i have 3 C64's and 100's of games in storage, I still use gamebase to play my C64 games, makes sense doesnt it?
Makes sense to me. I'd rather use an emulator, where all the games are in one place, and where they load instantly, rather than the real thing, with 5-minute waits and stacks of floppy disks.

Posted: 10/10/2003 - 14:56
by Vosla
My reason for still using a C64 is told in a few lines :

Good memories of my friends and myself doing a MULE evening, good memories of doodling with koala painter and doing funstuff in basic and assembler. So if I want to get into a happy, nostalgic mood I play with my C64. (New games on PC have better graphics and that's all.)

Posted: 24/10/2003 - 15:50
by tony.rc
Very simple answer "because you can!"

Personally I see not problem, using a beast of machine to play C64 games. I've attempted many times, trying in vain to explain the whole gameplay, graphics and nostalgia enjoyment to my friends or family! I also get payed-out (slang for being teased) about it at work when I'm surfing a C64 site.

So I've just given up trying to make sense of my C64/128 fondness, but I'm very glad that the Internet has revived it.

Posted: 24/10/2003 - 16:14
by trace
merman wrote: Trace, you need to adjust the sound parameters, hit F9 or ALT+O to get into the options and go to "Sound"...
I have tryed everything in my power, changeing the parameters and stuff but nothing works ;/ wel well it's not much :)

Posted: 25/10/2003 - 8:37
by merman
Sorry, it had been a while since I "fixed" mine Trace - try switching the sound output device to PRIMARY SOUND DRIVER or whatever the setting is... That should work.