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Fancy being a detective?

Posted: 13/10/2003 - 8:58
by Chris Abbott
I'd be grateful if anyone with spare time on their hands could track down any ringtone company on the net that offers C64 tunes (and preferably tells me which ones!). There are many ringtone companies making money for themselves off C64 ringtones they didn't even create, and I want to bring them down a peg or two. Any other information about the company (countries served, other domain names, contact info) would be great!

Companies I know about so far are: MrTones and Jippi.

Could you possibly email me with any results rather than posting them here? (



Posted: 13/10/2003 - 9:09
by Vinny

Posted: 13/10/2003 - 10:32
by Chris Abbott
> There are more, but that should do you for now
Not really... I need EVERYTHING :)

But thanks for these, that is indeed a good start!


Posted: 13/10/2003 - 10:59
by DHS

Posted: 13/10/2003 - 11:19
by Vinny
okay Greedy Guts, here are some more :) ... &submenu=1 ... me%20E%20t

I have more but will have to post them when I am at home :-)


Nokia RingTones Finder Detective Agency
PS Invoice in the post ;)

Posted: 13/10/2003 - 15:34
by Chris Abbott

What pisses me off most about this one is that not only are they making money off IK without giving any of it to Rob, but they're using a cut-down version my own MIDI file to do it!! (you can tell it's mine because of the background Kalimba track which is original and not part of the SID).


Posted: 13/10/2003 - 16:04
by Hacky
Chris Abbott wrote:What pisses me off most about this one is that not only are they making money off IK without giving any of it to Rob, but they're using a cut-down version my own MIDI file to do it!!

Posted: 13/10/2003 - 16:10
by Chris Abbott
> SUE!

Posted: 13/10/2003 - 16:15
by tom
:cry: well, i have the same problem with my 666 & noemi songs, they are available as midi-ringtones here and there and they catch my money and never asked me... seems that i need to feed my attorny :arrow:
to be concluded

Posted: 13/10/2003 - 16:21
by Chris Abbott
That shouldn't be a problem though, surely? The ringtone operators are forced to account to GEMA (or whoever) for each and every ringtone sold, and the money should make its way back to your publisher... I was complaining in this case that the actual MIDI file they're selling is one I wrote... getting the money for Rob and the rest is a matter of administration, not legal action.


Posted: 13/10/2003 - 16:30
by Hacky
Chris Abbott wrote:> SUE!
up the tree, K, I, S, S, I, N, G!

Posted: 13/10/2003 - 16:38
by tom
Chris Abbott wrote:That shouldn't be a problem though, surely? The ringtone operators are forced to account to GEMA (or whoever) for each and every ringtone sold, and the money should make its way back to your publisher...Chris
Well, that's how it should be! I am the publisher ,as you may know ,and i never got any money out of ringtones!

Posted: 13/10/2003 - 16:42
by tas
just a thought....

but can this not work in advatage ways... I mean can the extra publicity work for you in a way that people become more aware of these products thus maybe extra sales? or does it not just work out that way?

just a passing thought.

Posted: 13/10/2003 - 16:42
by Chris Abbott
Well then you should write to GEMA's ringtone department, and then they can do a back-claim. We should find the ringtone companies who have been selling these ringtones, and what the catalogue numbers are, and then you should put that down in a letter. It's all administration: legal action isn't necessary. That's what I'm having to do with MCPS and STIM.


Posted: 13/10/2003 - 16:44
by Chris Abbott
This argument came up before, interestingly: I'd argue that ringtones are not promotion: they're the income source that's needed to make up for crap income from record sales. They're the result of success, not the reason for it. Someone who doesn't like a record is not likely to like it more because of a few beeps.
