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BIT Live Brighton DVD Question

Posted: 05/11/2003 - 2:13
by ElliotM
Sorry to cover old ground if this has already been answered elsewhere, but after spending over 45 minutes searching this forum I still can't find out whats the current status re the BIT Brighton DVD?

Is there any sort of release date known yet?
Are there problems of any kind with putting it together?

I just can't wait to get my hands on it...(BTW Well done Chris A :D )

Posted: 05/11/2003 - 9:52
by Chris Abbott
No release date as yet, and the bad luck that appears to have dogged BIT Live struck again this morning, further delaying it.

Basically it might be ready in time for the next BIT Live, since there's a LOT of work to do on it.


Posted: 05/11/2003 - 22:16
by Subzero
You mean i wont be getting it from santa then?? ;)

Posted: 06/11/2003 - 20:06
by dan gillgrass
subzero wrote:You mean i wont be getting it from santa then?? ;)
What is the similarity between Santa and Michael Jackson? ...... nm

Posted: 27/11/2003 - 21:12
by Bog
Capturing should start at the end of next week - then come rushes, then rough edit, then any asset collation we need to do. We take a squiz at the bit budget of the disk as a whole, and figure out what extra bits we want to shove in, and space-budget them.

Then comes another edit, and assembly of the DVD application itself commences.

Theeeeeehoretically, this could all be done in about 2 to 3 months, if I could work on it fulltime with Boz and Kenz to the exclusion of everything else.

That'd be nice, wouldn't it? I think it would.

Anyone wanna, y'know, help subsidize rent, food and beer for 90 days? :D :D :D

Posted: 27/11/2003 - 22:13
by Chris Abbott
> Anyone wanna, y'know, help subsidize rent, food and beer for 90 days?
I'm sure there are lots of people here with a spare ten grand ;-)

Maybe our master plan to take over the world (starting with the Perhaps-a-Doobie album) will generate some beer money...


Posted: 28/11/2003 - 10:21
by merman
And if you don't have enough room on 1 DVD - make it a bumper 2-disk extended special remastered classic edition!

Posted: 28/11/2003 - 18:15
by Bog
And if you don't have enough room on 1 DVD - make it a bumper 2-disk extended special remastered classic edition!
Mmm. The problem with that is the cost of the glass master disk, from which all the plastic disks doth spring.

For a 2-disk DVD set to "pay for itself", IE Chris breaks even and doesn't lose money on the deal, sales would have to earn something like another grand.

In an ideal world, this would be a case of "Oh, it is to laugh? Only another grand? Got that in fivers in me back pocket!". Sadly, this is not an ideal world...

Posted: 28/11/2003 - 18:18
by Subzero
subzero asks bog about the wizball video

'OI BOG!!! Wots all this mallarky about a bleedin' wizball video then eh??'

Posted: 28/11/2003 - 19:36
by Bog
*Singsong marketing stylee voice*

The Wizball tribute video, along with a selection of other fine examples of 3D art from the mousemat of Mark Hennessy-Barrett is available from

Thank you and have a nice day....

DVD Update.

Posted: 03/12/2003 - 21:11
by Bog
Okiedoke. I've just about got my cap/ed rig nailed back together, and am going through the rushes right now.

In the words of Lemon Jelly, "Experiment begins..."