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What a couple of years...

Posted: 12/11/2003 - 13:20
by tas
You think you having a bad time? think on this....

In the space of two years......

1) My daughter was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome
2) My marriage collapsed and i am now devorced
3) I lost my house
4) I became disabled due to a foot problem (awaiting surgery)
5) I lost my job, and was forced to medically retire
6) I was diagnosed with havng anxiety attacks
7) I was diagnosed with Depression
8 ) My 3 year old son has now been diagnosed with being Albino
9) My grand mother passed away

They say things happen in 3's, not to me they don't, they happen in 9's.

Still here though, amazingly enough!

Posted: 12/11/2003 - 13:33
by XGener8or
Oh my god. So sorry to hear all this. You're a real trooper man. It's great that you keep up your spirit and still hang around this place.

Posted: 12/11/2003 - 14:44
by merman
I know you'll bounce back Tas - just that green thingy you've got as your avatar. All the best, mate!

Posted: 12/11/2003 - 17:46
by tom
Still here though, amazingly enough!
Well, perhaps it is what keeps your head up high, mate !
The FORCE will be with you, especially mine....


Posted: 13/11/2003 - 19:53
by tas
Thanks for the coments guys.

Not the easiest couple of years, but i've fought though them, and although the setbacks keep rearing up, i have probably emerged a much stronger character because of it. During the bleakest of spells i had to seek help to remove the anger which i had inside of me. It's no fun when yer wake up everyday feeling angry i can tell ya. Made some of the worst decisions of my life during that spell becuase my head could feel nothing other than anger. Thankfully between the doctor and other help they prevented (just)from having a nervous breakdown. I'll never forget the doc saying..."We need to get you help, or i doubt you'll see next month." The worst thing about this was the feeling that i was no longer in control of myself, The Neil i was had gone and i remember a friend saying..."Your a shadow of your former self". He was right.

If it wasn't for him, and a few other friends i doubt i would be here today. But as they say.."Keep smiling", and thats exactly what i'm doing :)