Looking for older albums

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Looking for older albums

Post by NikodemusP »


I noticed that a lot of the links to the albums on the remix64 site are dead, and I couldn't find those albums browsing c64audio. Are they no longer available? Is there any way to get hold of them?

In particular I am looking for the original "remix64" album, and even more specifically, Glyn R Brown's earlier version of Storm, and Reyn's Nexus 6581, but in general, all of them. :help: :worship: :help: :worship: :help: :worship:
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Re: Looking for older albums

Post by LaLa »


First of all, I apologize for the dead links.

I am actually in the process of going through the entire album database on Remix64.com and cleaning it up to the best of my ability. I have added some albums that were missing from the DB, and I am currently in the process of adding HVSC (DeepSID) links to each track that is a remix of a SID tune (and nearly done with it!). I'll add "clean up links" to my to-do list.

Having said that, the sad reality is that some albums are simply out of print. They were usually produced in low quantities to begin with, so for some of them that didn't take long. That's probably why you can't find them on C64Audio.com any more - there's simply nothing left to be sold.

Some of the albums may be available on streaming sites - if you find them somewhere, please, let me know (here or in a private email), and I'd be happy to update the links on Remix64.com. But I'll be spending some time on hunting them down myself, too.

Unfortunately, it seems that neither "Remix64" (the 2002 album), nor Reyn's "Nexus 6581" is available on streaming sites, which is a shame. At this point, the only thing I can recommend you is to contact the producers of those albums directly - LMan or Tas for "Remix64", and Reyn Ouwehand for "Nexus 6581". Or try your luck on eBay or similar sites where used albums may be available for sale.

Note that Tas actually uploaded every track of "Remix64 V2" to RKO, so you can find that album there:


Last year Makke has also also uploaded almost all tracks of his "It's Binary, Baby!" (2005) album to RKO, so you can find those there, too:

https://remix.kwed.org/search/makke (Only the remixes that were uploaded in 2021.)

Again, apologies for the dead links in Remix64's album database. For better or worse, the Internet is not a static place, so what was valid 10 years ago may not be so any more. But again, I'll do my best to update the links if those albums can still be bought or at least listened to somewhere. And if you or anybody else can help me out in that quest, your help would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Looking for older albums

Post by NikodemusP »

Thanks for the reply!

Just to clarify, and please excuse my ignorance, I would have thought the albums were available as digital downloads, so going out of stock would not be an issue? But I guess back in 2002 this might not have been the case? Today I'd much prefer digital copies over spinning plastic :-)

Anyway, I'll try to hunt them down, and if I find anything I'll be sure to let you know!
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Re: Looking for older albums

Post by LaLa »

You are correct, 15-20 years ago it was far less common to make albums available online in digital format. Since then some remixers have made their old albums available on digital platforms, too, but - as you found out - some have not. It's possible there are also licensing, copyright, and/or financial reasons behind those decisions. Or simply just lack of time/interest.

But maybe if we all ask them nicely, we can change their minds? 😀
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Re: Looking for older albums

Post by NikodemusP »

A worthy quest!
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Re: Looking for older albums

Post by LaLa »

Well, "Nexus 6581" was available on Spotify. Unfortunately, it seems it's no longer playable:


Same with "Remix64":

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Re: Looking for older albums

Post by LMan »

Hey NikodemusP,

thanks for your interest in the albums! Indeed there was a series of unlucky events, fuelled by misunderstandings and unclarities regarding licensing and royalties, that eventually forced c64audio.com to take most of the albums off all the streaming services. It is highly unlikely that they will be brought back.

As LaLa mentioned, your best bet is to get in touch with the individual composers.
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Re: Looking for older albums

Post by NikodemusP »

Hi LMan!

Thanks for explaining! That's too bad, though I can totally understand how those issues can become complex.

I take it you, as the producer of e.g. the remix64 album cannot make it available for download either at RKO or some other site, but it would have to be the individual composers doing that? But for the remixes you composed you could be persuaded to upload them if I ask nicely? It'd be a shame if they were lost forever ;-)
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Re: Looking for older albums

Post by LMan »

I'll try to clear this...
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Re: Looking for older albums

Post by tas »

I may still have some remix64 albums both v1 and v2 lurking at my parents house. I'll check when I visit my mum next.

Also I never got around to posting a few of the remix64 v2 tracks to rko due to real life issues so some tracks are missing.

Remix64 v2 has been uploaded mostly cos I own the copyright but I do not own the copyright to volume 1. Chris Abbott does. So if they were to appear that would be in his court.
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Re: Looking for older albums

Post by C64GLeN »

Hasn't some of Remix64 been uploaded already?

I have mixed feelings about this. I want the albums available, but I'm not sure Kwed is the best place for them. I'm sure someone has probably told me why this is a bad idea, but I'd like them to be available on a service like Bandcamp.
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Re: Looking for older albums

Post by C64GLeN »

Okay. I asked Chris, and he stated the situation with the older albums is as follows;
Most R64 tracks are on RKO.
BIT 1-3 are on archive.org
Reyn withdrew his albums when he went professional.
Makke's album is on RKO
Karma 64 and Dreamscapes were going to go on archive.org, but I haven't got around to it yet.
I gave Instant Remedy his album back for digital distribution.
Rakbit is on bandcamp
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Re: Looking for older albums

Post by Jan Lund Thomsen »

C64GLeN wrote: I want the albums available, but I'm not sure Kwed is the best place for them.
Not to pick on Glen, but the above touches on something that has annoyed me over the years. So to set the record straight, here's a handy infographic. ;)

meme - The Big Lebowski - Kwed vs RKO.jpg
meme - The Big Lebowski - Kwed vs RKO.jpg (102.44 KiB) Viewed 1067 times
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Re: Looking for older albums

Post by C64GLeN »

I'd be honest: I'd completely forgotten the Abbreviation
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