Praise for Stemifinator!
Praise for Stemifinator!
Hi just wanted to say how fantastic your Stemifinator is, having just used it for the first time! Just about to release another Amiga remix but couldn’t have done it without this amazing tool! Thanks guys! 

Re: Praise for Stemifinator!
What is Stemifinator? What can it do that openmpt or similar program's can't?
Re: Praise for Stemifinator!
The STEMifinator feature on AmigRemix lets you render a selected module into a specific format, placing each instrument on its own channel. You can then download an archive that includes a package of FLAC, WAV, MP3, and MOD files. This process simplifies the creation of remixes and remasters.
Re: Praise for Stemifinator!
Hmm, OpenMPT has this feature of exporting by Channel / Instrument and so on... You can even go low level as exporting midi from openmpt to use in a modern daw.
Having alternatives is good though
Having alternatives is good though