1. Location - I guess there are pros and cons for each. I would have thought the UK, cost aside, was a good place because of the fanbase. Would there be more fans in Copenhagen, though?
-- Yorkshire
3. I like the idea of taking some of the burden from Chris, possibly installing a core team to handle different aspects with each entirely responsible for their own part.
-- Id be up for the design aspect, as i think would Kenz.
4. A centralised fund is a good idea. You could add an incentive in the form of a profit-share (i.e. if the event made a profit, those who contributed to the fund get a proportional percentage back). Of course, the key isn't to make money - just ensure that the event happens.
-- Told ya, DirectDebit £5 a month from members (cmon folks ... £1.20 a week !! - the ant in the BACKYARD can afford it !!) , that raises 12 grand right there...
5. More media interest. It would be nice to get the press more involved, and get a bit more support from the mainstream computer mags. Is it inconceivable to get a company like GamerTV involved, to cover the event? Or get interviews on local radio stations?
-- I agree with Chris... this has been tried and failed.
6. More corporate interest / Sponsorship.
-- As Chris is pissed with tulip, i too had a sponsor in the wings who basicly wouldnt commit.
7. Re-Branding. If, for instance, events such as Retrovision and BIT Live were combined to split the risk, you could encompass everything under a "Back in Time" brand name. Thus, you have Back in Time Live events, Back in Time Retrovision, Back in Time Jagfest, etc.
-- Mergers can help yes, but also double the cost ?
8. Why not hire a venue similar to that used by Retrovision, i.e. multiple facilities within strolling distance; team up with a venue or hotel to book the entire place for a weekend and get discounts on accomodation (having everybody in one place would also allow the pub-based chats to happen naturally, rather than have to factor them in to the schedule).
-- Now that sounds like an old style Amiga Demoparty !!

9. Approach the event like a convention - hold it over 3 days, and have key events on different days. The first could be a retro / computer fair, the second day retrovision/jagfest, and the third day climaxes with a concert.
-- Now that sounds like an old style Amiga Demoparty !!

10. Competitions - Remix competitions, with a panel of judges, demo competitions, gaming competitions.
-- Now that sounds like an old style Amiga Demoparty !!

11. Naked women.
-- Now that sounds li.... ok, maybe not, but LOADS of PORN lol