Re. ID3v2 tags are now mandatory. Comply or perish! =)

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Re. ID3v2 tags are now mandatory. Comply or perish! =)

Post by Lagerfeldt »

Jan, I'm on Mac and for some reason some Windows PC's tend not to read my ID3v2 tags 100% correctly. While they appear correct on Mac some information might be missing on PCs.

I hope this new policy can be stretched a bit when it comes to cross platform problems since I don't have a PC and don't ever plan on getting one :wink: So unless RKO is to be PC only, I hope you'll make exceptions.
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Post by Vosla »

AFAIK I have only seen ID3 Tags with strange hex codes (iTune?) but standard information was still readable, Lagerfeldt. No sweat. :)
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Re: Re. ID3v2 tags are now mandatory. Comply or perish! =)

Post by Jan Lund Thomsen »

Lagerfeldt wrote:Jan, I'm on Mac and for some reason some Windows PC's tend not to read my ID3v2 tags 100% correctly. While they appear correct on Mac some information might be missing on PCs.

I hope this new policy can be stretched a bit when it comes to cross platform problems since I don't have a PC and don't ever plan on getting one :wink: So unless RKO is to be PC only, I hope you'll make exceptions.
Romeo Knight uses a Mac with iTunes v4.6.0.15. No problems with his latest Bombo submission.

Besides, ID3v2 is an open standard so unless software developers fail to support it there should be no trouble whatsoever, and hence no reason to stretch the policy.

Oh, and if you happen to have a spare Mac lying around doing nothing I can give it a good home. :wink:
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Post by Darrenxyz »

Something I'm still not entirely clear about - some ID3 editors let you enter both a v1 and v2 tag. Are they both included at the same time, or is the v1 one interpreted as a special case of the v2 one?
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Post by Lagerfeldt »

Jan, I'm on OS9 so the newest versions of iTunes are not available for that platform.

I'll give my best shot and if it looks wrong you could always let me know.
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Post by LMan »

Darrenxyz wrote:Something I'm still not entirely clear about - some ID3 editors let you enter both a v1 and v2 tag. Are they both included at the same time, or is the v1 one interpreted as a special case of the v2 one?
v1 is the older format, much more limited in what it can contain. v1 is stored at the end of the file, v2 in the beginning. So both versions don't have very much in common, and that's why the rule is to leave v1 out.
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Post by Jan Lund Thomsen »

Lagerfeldt wrote:Jan, I'm on OS9 so the newest versions of iTunes are not available for that platform.

I'll give my best shot and if it looks wrong you could always let me know.
Haven't had any problems with your recent tunes. Battle Ships just needs tweaking the Album and Composer fields and its ready to be uploaded. Nudge, nudge. :wink:
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Re: Re. ID3v2 tags are now mandatory. Comply or perish! =)

Post by Romeo Knight »

Jan Lund Thomsen wrote: Romeo Knight uses a Mac with iTunes v4.6.0.15. No problems with his latest Bombo submission.
Sorry, I have to correct you:
I'm using a PC with iTunes v4.6.0.15. :wink:
But I'm still glad it worked for you since all those Winamps, Musicmatches, Windows Media Players tend to show different things in the ID3-Tags. :?
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Post by C64GLeN »

LMan / Remix64 wrote:v1 is the older format, much more limited in what it can contain. v1 is stored at the end of the file, v2 in the beginning. So both versions don't have very much in common, and that's why the rule is to leave v1 out.
Is it the rule to leave v1 out? I'm confused now! Can we not use both if we want?
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Post by Infamous »

yeah id like that question answered too cos ive filled both out just to be safe cos i wasnt sure what one u wanted filled out ^^
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Post by LMan »

The rule is to fill out the mandatory v2 fields and <u>not</u> to use v1. Read closely, it's all there (the do's and don'ts) :)

You may fill in as much additional <b>v2</b> fields as you like though (like the comment field, the copyright field etc...)
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Post by skitz »

Who would want to keep ID3v1 tags anyway! The first thing I do is to delete them because my DJing software don't like 'em (PCDJ!) :)
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Post by Lagerfeldt »

Jan Lund Thomsen wrote:
Lagerfeldt wrote:Jan, I'm on OS9 so the newest versions of iTunes are not available for that platform.

I'll give my best shot and if it looks wrong you could always let me know.
Haven't had any problems with your recent tunes. Battle Ships just needs tweaking the Album and Composer fields and its ready to be uploaded. Nudge, nudge. :wink:
:-) I've filled out all the fields, so if you can't see the composer field I guess it doesn't work (there's no composer field only an artist field, which I already filled out)?
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