I don't think there's anything wrong in having a commercial aspect to the remix scene - afterall, most of us have bought the BIT, Remix64, PPOT and other CDs - and if it helps keep the C64 alive then why not?
Let's be honest, no-one's going to get mega-rich from the C64 or it's music but if someone can make a living from it and help promote the scene at the same time, I don't have a problem with that. It would be great if all the remix CDs were commerically viable and made enough money so that all the BIT Live events didn't lose money and for sites like RKO to have faster servers etc.
As long as things don't get out of hand and commercial aspects od the C64 scene stays within the control of true C64 fans, then I don't think it will stray from what we want it to be and it will stay true to the nature of the scene while still allowing the scene to develop and really be innovative and original.
Just remember, if it wasn't for things like the original BIT CD (which was a commercial release), it would have never have lead to events like BIT Live.