Which would you be most likely to buy, if it existed?

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Which would you buy?

A remote control that could control annoying people
A robot that would go to work for you, then you'd get 24/7 free time
A time travel device
A ticket that would let you go anywhere in the world for free, as many times as you like
A more highly powered brain transplant - then you could take over the world
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Forum Loony
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Which would you be most likely to buy, if it existed?

Post by 1337 »

The Remote control, then I could press mute whenever somebody starts annoying me.

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Steve B
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Post by Steve B »

Time travel with those 6 little numbers :D
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Post by Yoshi »

Time travel device. Id like to go a hundred years back, and then 200 years forward ;)
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Post by tas »

What a toss up between the remote and the ticket. But i went for the ticket considering i love travelling... but despite that i hate flying - Still scares the living daylight out of me!
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Post by xo »

I'll take the robot. On second thought I'll take the time travelling device, then I'll get the other stuff in the future. Ah screw the whole thing.
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