Newbie MIDI-question

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Newbie MIDI-question

Post by pfk »

Hey everybody!

I've finally bought myelf a simple MIDI interface, and I'm having a lot of fun watching the keys I press on my Korg N5 pop up in Renoise. Unfortunately I'm a much worse piano player than I remembered, so making anything half descent takes a lot of painfully manual "post-production" :)

Now to the question! My understanding of MIDI so far is pretty limited, so I apologize in advance if this is rediculous...

My N5 has loads of really cool sounding instruments, that I want to access from Renoise. In theory I think it should be possible to send instrument data along with the notes, but I haven't figured out how. In an ideal world I'd prefer downloading all the instruments from the synth, and storing them in some sort of VSTi (or sampler) on my computer, but I'm not sure if this can be done? Is there such a thing as software synth emulation?

If any of you pros can help me get the big picture here, I'd really be happy!

And by the way, I've started my first remix! It's a very simple but cool Reyn Ouwehand tune I used to love as a kid. Wonder if I'll ever finish it... ;)
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Post by Analog-X64 »

Basic Idea is on your N5 you assign it a Midi Channel from 1 to 16 available channels to receive the signal and than in your Reason you would assign an output channel to match the same one used in your N5 and you should be able to trigger you N5 from reason. In your N5 you would assign the channel to a Patch that has the sounds you want to generate.

That should give you a rough idea. Although I dont use reason this basic idea should work with any Midi Device / Software combination.
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