It looks like I'll be losing my lovely domain name thanks to Nominet hitting me with a whopping £94 bill to renew it which, due to current circumstances, I can't pay.

This means the site will vanish in the next few days and a lot of links to it will be broken. I'm going to try to bag a new domain name but as I'm so busy at work at the moment have left things too late to make it a smooth switchover.
I was planning to give the site a bit of a revamp anyway so I may use the down-time to finish off some stuff I was working on - including a section with FREE downloadable BZ disk images, The Best Of Fred Gray CD (if Chris gives me the go-ahead to unleash it), Project:Hubbard (so much done, so much still to do!)
But for now it's bye-bye Binary Zone ... (Unless there's a sudden influx of orders on the site, ahem! *cough*)
I will return.