Chris Abbott wrote:And next year, the news headlines are:
* Ziphod remixer of the year 2006
* Slay Radio renamed "Ziphoid Radio"
* Ziphod Industries buys
* Remix64 renamed to ""
* Boz changes name by deedpoll to "Ziphoid Jr. III"
Oh, HA-HA! VERY funny, Mr Abbott. Sure, that's constructive critisicm, all right. Huh?? Is this the way you want it, so fine. Let's lower it to your level.
...or else... ...we could just

to that comment since that's exactly what I did...

At least it gives me the chance to say: "Boz! I am your father..."
Sorry mate, but I'm just keep popping up here and there... you want me to stop it?
...and hey, why haven't you rated the tune yet, you git!?
/ Ziph