Preview Rock n´Bolt & Shadow of the Beast

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Preview Rock n´Bolt & Shadow of the Beast

Post by _Traxer_ »

I´m working on two tracks right now and like to give a preview on them.

Shadow of the beast an Rock n´Bolt

Both are far from finishing and on "Shadow of the Beast" i use two Plug-in´s that are not on my computer but on the main computer of the "Studiothek".

It is a little audio studio in Aachen and for 1 Euro per hour i can use their equipment as long as the production is not commercial. I taken some time on "Vocaloid Lola" and "Slayer 2". First is a singing synth plug-in i used for the main voice and Slayer is a electric guitar synth.

In Rock n´Bolt i tried to keep the main concept of the SID alive with a little "Kraftwerk-touch".
So i hope you like them an i look forward to your comments.

EDIT : Hm.... nobody who has a comment to this ?
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