WIP: Doom 2 map09 synth/rock mix

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Raven Squad
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WIP: Doom 2 map09 synth/rock mix

Post by Raven Squad »

This is redo of my old doom remix. Its style is somekind of mix between sythpop and rock music :D . I kinda run out of ideas for now so, any constructive feedback would be nice.

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Post by Infamous »

i was probably the only person in the world that didnt see what all the fuss was about with doom.. not much of it impressed me (took right up till soldier of fortune and ut before i even gave fps's the time of day) but why the hell am i even mentioning that when its this tune were supposed to be talking about?.

ok.. here we go.

I like it so far, im listening away to it as i type this and it sounds clean and crisp and sexy, i like the "feel" of it the guitary noise is fitting, the piano nice and crisp, the drums fit nicely in the background though im not too sure drums are meant to be there.. but hey .. to me it works.

i like the main synth its not too high pitched and it fits the tune very well, the bassline though (is that a bass station btw.. sounds like it) is a little weak might need a bit of pushing up in the eq, make it bassy basically.

but apart from that tiny weakness the tune sounds pretty good so far. .look forward to hearing it completed.
Raven Squad
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Post by Raven Squad »

Bass was problem for me, cos i was doing this with headphones (it was middle of the night here :) ) and with those i really cant hear how much bass there really is. So i guess i have to pump it up a little bit.

PS: And the bass isnt from Bass Station, its from Korg MS-20 synth with little overdrive added to it.
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Post by Infamous »

ooo ill have to have a little fiddle with my ms-20 i love that rounded noise your bass has, and indeed just eq'ing it a little higher in the bassrange will make it sound sweet as a amish girl standing in white socks outside k-mart selling cookies..

still looking forward to hearing this one :)
Raven Squad
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Post by Raven Squad »

I have taken few steps back in this mix, cos i had nice virus infection in my harddrives :( . After two days of useless effort to eliminate it, i was forced to format my harddrives, but luckily i had made backups earlier. So all that i lost was newest version of this tune and alot of not so important data like school work etc. So hopefully i get this finished before 2010 :)
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