Anyone remember when I handed Jops my PSP running Cannon Fodder under UAE at the Manchester Mini-Retro-BIT-Live-O-Vision?
Cannon Fodder PSP - I Feel Somehow Responsible.
Cannon Fodder PSP - I Feel Somehow Responsible.
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Mark "Bog" Hennessy-Barrett. Chris says you should ask me about the Wizball video
Or go look at http:/
Mark "Bog" Hennessy-Barrett. Chris says you should ask me about the Wizball video
Or go look at http:/
Hum. The screenies don't look like they've retained the CF Charm, to me, but I can hope to be wrong. Don't like the mugshots - not sure about the multiple character classes. I'm hoping for the sweet, simple persuit of mayhem, but we'll see.
(No, no that mayhem. I mean they lay-waste-and-laugh type).
(No, no that mayhem. I mean they lay-waste-and-laugh type).
Pixel tamer
Mark "Bog" Hennessy-Barrett. Chris says you should ask me about the Wizball video
Or go look at http:/
Mark "Bog" Hennessy-Barrett. Chris says you should ask me about the Wizball video
Or go look at http:/