I would actually like to thank everybody who helped set-up the exhibition stands during the morning.
Marcel Donne was the "Screen Master" and made it his mission in life to fit the square pegs of the feet into the round holes on the actual screens! Big thanks to everybody who helped with these DAMN things!
It was a lot of work but I think it looked REALLY good once the C= logo was set-up (did any body actually notice it was in the shape of the Commodore logo?)
I think we managed to get enough computers running although I would love to know what happened to my monitor cables that were on an C128D and a C64 along that back row

Btw, I noticed the C128D was working later in the day and for the life of me I could not get it to boot up - who fixed that?
Also, the MAME guys still have a couple of my cables they used for the Sony Laptop
It was very tight as I think we were still puting the final touches on everything when the doors opened at 11am

Shame my Amiga A3000 was the first computer set-up in the morning (at about 6:30am) and wasn't actually used for anything - it just stayed on the desktop all day
I actually never got to see much of the exhibition after it opened @ 11:00 as I was downstairs most of the time trying to figure out how to work a HD recorder!
Thanks to everyone that helped on the day.... it was much appretiated!