Just an Idea.

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I Adore My 64
I Adore My 64
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Joined: 08/12/2002 - 3:50
Location: Canada

Just an Idea.

Post by Analog-X64 »

You know how we have the image association game, where everyone post a photo related to the previous photo etc...

What about we take that concept and have it turn into a song.

So someone would start with a Riff or Beat of some kind, and the next person would, would add a bit to that,
and so forth until we have a song.

There would have to some some kind of simple rules, so that it wouldn't be too complicated to follow and
yet fun.

For example maybe there would be a 10-30 second limit on the additions or 32 Bars or something.

No sampling of commercial tracks so the tune would be original.

There would have to be a way to make sure 2 people dont post at the same time from the previous work.

Just a thought. :)
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