'Frontpage Issue 15' Dynasty Mix wip2

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'Frontpage Issue 15' Dynasty Mix wip2

Post by AndyUK »

Tidied up the first part, changed a few instruments and started the second stage.. Guitars are live ( took my feeble guitar playing skills a long time too heh ), and a little loud in this mix, but I'm nearly there.. Any advice or comments would be appreciated, It's one one of the few remixes I've felt positive about doing in a while.

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Re: 'Frontpage Issue 15' Dynasty Mix wip2

Post by LMan »

You gotta love those synth fanfares! :) Suggestions for imporvement, hm, maybe the bass track is a bit feeble and less reverb would maybe clean up the mix a little. Then the main lead sound could use some variation, maybe switch to a different sound during bridges and such. Anyway I already love it as it is, keep it up!
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Re: 'Frontpage Issue 15' Dynasty Mix wip2

Post by SarahKreuz31 »

Yeah,some pretty positive vibes over here. :thumbsup:
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Re: 'Frontpage Issue 15' Dynasty Mix wip2

Post by Commie_User »

Ah, the good old 'Van Halen' synth! When have we not wanted to use it? And it feels a bit unfair that I never felt justified in using it for fear of some punters saying 'Aha, you want some reflected Van Halen glory'. That sound was out long before them you know!

I like this. It's good, it moves. The BBC would use something like this and so this tune also kick-starts some vague retro memories.

So, the whole package then?
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