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Re: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 06/04/2008 - 10:53
by TheMightyBogg
Hi, I'm Graham Marsh, and 23 years ago I was The Mighty Bogg. I'm now 42, and don't do so much musically these days, there isn't much time with two teenage daughters and a three year old son! I'm very pleased that Jethro Walrus has been remixed, nice to know something of mine was remembered! I do occasionally play the Bogg Albums on a C64 emulator, its hard to believe I was only 18 or so at the time. One of my daughters is now older than that...

Re: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 06/04/2008 - 11:05
by Chris Abbott
Did you get the CD?


Re: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 06/04/2008 - 11:08
by TheMightyBogg
Hi Chris, yes I did thanks!! Work has been very hectic this past few weeks, this weekend is the first chance I've had to do anything, so I was gonna get round to emailing..

Re: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 06/04/2008 - 20:52
by Mayhem
Blimey, first Wally Beban and now Graham Marsh... welcome :D

Re: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 07/04/2008 - 10:12
by Andersson
I'm Andersson and i'm 14 years old :duh:
I live in Stockholm, Sweden.
I've never had a C64, but i've played games since i was 4 (i think).
I've been listening to SLAYRadio for over a year now. I found it through mastering swedish, which for some reason were hiding in the deepest parts of my HDD. I heard the slayradio jingle in the begginning and was hoping there were more fun stuff like that.
How dissapointed i was 8) (kidding)

Re: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 13/05/2008 - 11:15
by Amok

my name is Andreas Janke, im 32 years old and i live in Germany. When i was a kid, i really fell in love with the great sid tunes on my C64. Then i tried to make some sids by myself with the Soundmonitor by Chris Hülsbeck but i didnt understand anything. Later on my Amiga500 i made some modules with the pro- and startrekker. When i was about 16 i quit makeing music because it was more interesting to spend my time with parties and girls... :wink:

A few month ago i stumbled over the MadTracker 2 by Yannick Delwiche and since December 2007 i try to make something that sounds like music... :D

In the last years i visited RKO every now and then coz i was always interested in the remix-scene. But i was more a passive observer. After i decided to make music again i registered on all the scene related sites... :wink:

Re: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 10/06/2008 - 20:49
by c64finn

My name is Mikko.I´m 23 years old. I live in Finland. I have played c64 since by kid and now days I still have my first c64 (nerd) :) . I also listen world famous netradio slayradio and sometimes (too often) write something in forums my bad english. So here is basic information about me.

Have nice day all. :cheers:

Re: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 07/07/2008 - 8:31
by rogerxy
My name is Roger and I'm from Sweden. Got my 1st C64 with tape player back in 1987 and learned the basic stuff and played the few games I could get my hand on. With "Flimbo's Quest", my interest for video game music was born.
Since then i have gone thru both NES, SNES, Amiga and PC.

The last 10 year or so, my interest for retro video games and music has been on hold, but it awoke once again last year and now I'm back.
Nice to be here! :cheers:

Re: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 07/07/2008 - 16:23
by trace
Welcome all newcomers :D

Re: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 14/07/2008 - 22:56
by peter w
Hello everyone!

My name is Peter "W" and I live in Sweden, born in 73. I grow up with the 64 and played a crazy amount of games on it. Whenever me and my friends would try a new game I wanted to listen to the music at the title screen and also when the game ended I wanted to listen to the highscore tune if there were any. This would annoy them so much and they could never understand why. I remember one time when I recorded some of the game music with my tape recorder and brought it with me on a schooltrip and this was not a big hit to say the least. People were furious and told me to shut off the damn blipp blopp! Nobody did seem to understand how great and inspiring the music was. :confusion:

Anyway when the Amiga came I started composing myself using soundtracker and in the end protracker, it sounded really bad ofcourse :D but I didnt give up and struggled my way through it all. I moved on to the pc using Fasttracker2, then later another tracker and now i'm working in Renoise (big surprise there). It wasnt until in 2007 that I decided that hey i'm good enough to release something so why not make the circle complete and remix Last Ninja 1. And so I did and now when I look back. I have improved so much and owe a lot of it to the scene and you people.

Some of you already know me and met me but I thought that I should be polite and introduce myself like the rest of you. :cheers:

Re: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 15/07/2008 - 9:59
by Tonka
peter w wrote: Nobody did seem to understand how great and inspiring the music was. :confusion:
Yep - SID music is a lot like Marmite...

I remember battling through The Last Ninja *just* to hear the next piece of loading music. I also figured out quite early on that if you stopped the tape deck on loaders as soon as the music started, you got to hear MORE of the music! WOW! Rambo, Sanxion and (of course) the Ninja stuff were constant victims of my 'tape stopping' fetish!

Ahh, anyway - welcome. :)

Re: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 15/07/2008 - 11:40
by trace
Peter w: I did the same thing, I recorded some sid's on a tape and took it to school and at school I was a very shy guy so a friend of mine took the tape when we were on a drawing cours and played it there, I don't really remember the reaction of my school mates but one said that "This is only blip blop, this is not music"

The sid music has also played a big role in my music inspiration and creation :D

I wonder what he would say now ? :lol:

Ps: I stil have the tape, I should listen to it and hear what tunes I liked back then, I do remember that commando and monty on the run highscore is on there :D

Re: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 01/09/2008 - 4:16
by Mister Ghostie
Greetings everyone!

Been lurking around the Amiga Remix site and these forums on and off over the years and thought I'd finally cave in and register.

Having owned an Amiga or two back in the day, I have some fond memories of the gaming and demo scene - especially the music that came from them and, for that reason, I'm really enjoying all the remixes made by everyone. I dabble with a bit of music on and off (more off than on) so maybe there will be a few remix submissions from me over the the years.....hopefully all the hours that I spent learning about music from studying modules in Noisetracker hasn't gone to waste!



Re: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 12/09/2008 - 23:56
by Trigga
Hey ppl. I have been looking around the site after i discovered it about 2 weeks ago and decided to make a login and introduce myself and get to know the people behind the remixes. Looks like a great site and i have many questions to ask and just things to look at. Thanks to the creators of this site and all the people that have added thier amiga and commodore 64 remixes and i hope there is may more tunes to come.
It seems like yesterday that i was playing the amiga and with this site i can relive the moments again with the music and hopefully soon i can make my own remixes of my favourite tunes.

Cheers ppl! :D

Re: Introduce yourself here!

Posted: 06/10/2008 - 0:20
by Destructavator

Destructavator is the name, and I just discovered this website and ones like it about... (Counting) 1, 2, 3..., uh, about 5 minutes or so ago, and had no idea that there were other musicians like myself out there who came up with the idea of remixing old tunes from C64 games.

I've been a musician for a long time, also do digital video editing, a little bit of 3D models, and other stuff with computers. I sing, play electric guitar, and work on soundtracks and other content for open-source video games. I also know a little programming, but I'm not an expert, and among the other things I've tried I flunked out of an automotive tech course twice when trying to find what I'm good at. I can fix a computer, but not a car (can't even change a tire!).

For those of you who might look me up, please excuse my personal website for now, I haven't finished updating it and it is a bit messy. You can also find me hanging around the UFO: Alien Invasion forum, the project is on sourceforge. (It's a re-make of the '90s X-COM / UFO series).

I just put my latest contrivation up on YouTube, it's in another post on this forum.