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Posted: 28/09/2006 - 14:28
by Chris Abbott
Getting there!

Is it me or is that Orange font getting quite hard to read?
And although "Remixers Unite" is the theme, would putting that on a poster put people off coming?

There's a number of other slogans I came up with this morning while driving:

"The REAL Sound of the Underground"
"8-Bit Power for a chipless world"
"Processor Punk with an 8-Bit Edge"
"Music from the Last Sonic Underground"
Any preferences? New ideas? Old ideas? Old socks?

This poster will be going outside the scene so we don't want to make it too cliquey.


Posted: 28/09/2006 - 15:13
by Matrix
Easier on the eyes ?


And so far..


And with added VOOM !


I can go a bit more "Delta" or "Crazy Colin" if you like ? maybe even QUEDEX ! or perhaps the plain white massive justified text..

Posted: 28/09/2006 - 16:08
by Chris Abbott
that ball works surprisingly well, but should we have so many fonts? I'm counting seven in the second poster, which seems a bit many. Perhaps if 22nd June and £10 entry were in the same font as the centre? Or something?

I'm out of my depth here, please, more feedback!!


Posted: 28/09/2006 - 16:29
by Matrix
Chris Abbott wrote:that ball works surprisingly well, but should we have so many fonts? I'm counting seven in the second poster, which seems a bit many. Perhaps if 22nd June and £10 entry were in the same font as the centre? Or something?

I'm out of my depth here, please, more feedback!!

The £10 is still TTF and not at all koala'd... need it to stand out.... the fonts are not a problem, just name what you want changing / making same. Maybe I could use the same font as the middle, but use the yellow coloring ?

May be worth me leavig it for a couple of days, find out what people think...

Posted: 28/09/2006 - 21:03
by skitz
This is all looking fantastic and although I don't mind my name being on the poster I would say:

a) Skitz@Spitz is just ghey.... :D
b) I think the font size will need to reduce once more people sign-up to any kind of performance..... Just having me and 8Bit Weapon there just looks bizarre... it's a lot for me and Seth to do for 6 hours!!!

Posted: 28/09/2006 - 21:03
by Armand
The artwork is cool Matrix as usual. The poster is well put together and gives it the element of fun which is what it is all about.

I do prefer the second poster as the first looks too bare.

What does everyone else think to them? 8) :twisted:

Posted: 28/09/2006 - 21:07
by Subzero
wots all this then? looks suspiciously like some sort of event-type-thing???

Posted: 28/09/2006 - 22:01
by Chris Abbott
Steve Dee wrote:wots all this then? looks suspiciously like some sort of event-type-thing???
/me looks shiftily around

Um, might be...

Posted: 28/09/2006 - 22:03
by Chris Abbott
skitz wrote:This is all looking fantastic and although I don't mind my name being on the poster I would say:

a) Skitz@Spitz is just ghey.... :D
b) I think the font size will need to reduce once more people sign-up to any kind of performance..... Just having me and 8Bit Weapon there just looks bizarre... it's a lot for me and Seth to do for 6 hours!!!
Well, we're still fairly confident Jeroen will be there :) You can't have more than three acts without paying extra for an assistant engineer... but I think it will Seth, Jeroen, hopefully an element of Mafia and you :)

Besides which, there will hopefully be a Z show thing going on for the Slay live-cast.


Posted: 29/09/2006 - 10:52
by beyond
Hi guys,

I hate to tell you this but I think you have to rethink that poster. Entirely.

The way I try to put posters together is mainly by the thought "Would a person riding a bycycle past this poster on a wall be able to read and be 'caught' by it?" (you only get a second or two to be succesful) If not, the poster must be made simpler. Think target-group, who is your target group. Is the language used unknown to them? What is needed to understand the whole poster, or the part of it you get a glimpse of. As it is now, to me, it is one big piece of noise. I would go straight past that on my bicycle.

A few pieces of advice:
0) Target group. Target group. Target group is king. Simplicity is queen.
1) Make sure people get the C64-impression. A dominating Commodore logo, or C64-photo is a must.
2) Date. Make sure people know when it is. They will think of the date and put it in their (mental) calendar.
3) No graphical stuff that doesn't carry any information. There is a big difference between stuff that is fancy to you, and graphically disturbing to the eye. Keep amount of fonts to a minimum, more than three is a problem. Logos' fonts don't count as fonts. Insert fancy detail-stuff as one of the last things you do.
4) Names, if people don't know the names, put them in a smaller font size. People will probably not attend something that they for sure know they don't know.
5) When you have peoples' attention, you can have them read the small print: venue info, www-link and stuff like that. Not price though, they can read that on the www. Usually at the bottom, mid-size font.

An example of what I have done earlier:

...After stomping around crushing each and everybodys ideas involved in the BIT2007 event poster, I hope you understand that I want you to get as many to attend and that is why I have written this.


Posted: 29/09/2006 - 11:40
by Chris Abbott
TBH, I kind of gave up on "guy on bike" some years ago.

Changes to try?

1) Change tongue ball to Commodore logo?
2) Make the date font more clear?
3) Make all other text in small print?
4) Increase Jeroen Tel (Maniacs of Noise)'s billing because the guy in the street is more likely to have heard of him? (just) - need to confirm Jeroen for this to happen. Change Skitz@Spitz -> DJ Skitz
5) Idea: Remove "Live and Reloaded" since it doesn't convey any extra information?
6) Processor Punk with an 8-bit edge -> "Processor Punk" and in same font as "Live and Reloaded"?

I kind of liked that ball, since it had attitude :)


Posted: 29/09/2006 - 12:55
by Matrix
Based on an industry approved design, wasnt hard to find a similar example.


Also remember, this is a door poster, A3, possibly A2, it's not going to be adshel bus stop size, and the target audience will already know about it.

I agree a C64 should be in there somewhere though, but i'd keep the smily since it was iconic of the 80's (possibly change to the more basic acid smiley ?) - anyone not into the scene wont understand the whole koala style. Names small, I agree there also (remember, what is there now is space filler as I have very little info to work with regarding acts at this time)

Catching passing trade with an a3/a2 is going to be tough, so tha target audience will pretty much already know. I suspect the poster for most will more or less be a visual aid to identify they are at the right venue. So purpose here I would say is more important than targetting any specific audience group.

Drive-by postering may work for radio stations or perfume sales at a large size, but this is totally different, and, there will probably only be one printed which will be seen for a just a few hours before dissapearing. Since thats the case, i'd say it's more important to put identifiers in there to attract the eye. For example, fonts people can look at and say "hey thats looks very demo style from my youth, lets have a closer look".

For certain type of dvertising I agree wholeheartedly with you beyond, but for this purpose, I think it would be seen as bland and simply walked passed if not colourful, different and eye catching. Not saying your approach is wrong, it's very very right, but is it right for THIS purpose ?

I'll make a simple one based on the BITLIVE DVD cover style, take in your points and see how it comes out... it'll be neet n tidy if nothing else, but will people "get it" ? - i know we will, but what about joe bloggs ?

Posted: 29/09/2006 - 13:29
by Matrix
Okies :)

Here's a rather empty one, but following beyond's guidelines, and one with a bit more of a background (I think it looked very sparse without it... ) I kinda like the 2nd one, it's obvious it's about commodore and less cluttered, but leaves the viewer wondering what on earth it is ment to be advertising.

Maybe we could add "DJ REMIX EVENT" on it ? since we are now missing the huge "8 bit weapon", reloaded may not fit, how about "LIVE AND REMIXED" ? I could as suggested remove that altogether ? thoughts ? - I think if we go down this path though we need to keep the white/duo tone blues.

Some personal thoughts:
Will people know what the loading lines are ? and why they are there ?
Why does it suddenly look like an official manual :lol:
Does it convey an excitement in an event, well, not to me no...
Does it feel 64 - yeah very much so, love that !
Does it stand out, yeah, more than the black one, especially at night.
If I blur my eyes, the logo almost dissapears :shock:
Easily readable, yup.. (1 font (fnarr fnarr lol...))
Is it obviously retro, i'd say so yes..
What does it tell me at a passing glance........ not a thing, but I DO like it 8)
Maybe if we move the 64 to the right, and have the info down the left in a justified column, make it look more like an event poster that way ? hmm



NOTE: This is not a finished product, batteries not included ;)

Posted: 29/09/2006 - 15:39
by beyond
Matrix, I think this pitch is so much better. But that's me.

Three quick suggestions:
1) BACK IN TIME is difficult to read. 3D+colours does this. Less colours perhaps, but with the contrast between front (bright) and sides (dark)?
2) Throw the rasterbars behind BACK IN TIME but squeeze it so that it has approx 50% of the BACK IN TIME height. Move C= logo down behind the C64, maybe a little bigger.
3) Show the C= logo in perspective, so that it looks like it is in a plane (mathematical plane, not an aeroplane), the same as the C64 rests on. Maybe it could be turned anti-clockwise 20 degrees or so?

(ok, more than three suggestions, but three with details :) )

Again, I'm sorry if I'm intruding.

-Theo, riding a bicycle....

Posted: 29/09/2006 - 16:14
by Matrix
Will give it a go, see what happens :)

Not intruding m8, we asked for feedback :) That, doesn't mean we will follow every point mind you, but feedback is good, positive or negative.

Chris ?