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Posted: 22/02/2003 - 19:13
by tas
don't be silly, it's santa claus without his hat! ;)

Posted: 23/02/2003 - 18:22
by Max Levin
Nah, this is some other gabber with good taste for wigs... but seriously this is a member of the Swedish "dance-band"(mafia) called "Ingmar Nordströms Saxparty", heavely infamous... I am the only one who buys their records ;)
Whick leads to the sub-topic: will there be another beer-party in Sweden, or should everyone be heading to CPHG instead?

Posted: 24/02/2003 - 1:23
by Rauli
Cafe/Restaurant UFO. Möllevången, Malmö. Beer 20kr. Wednesday 5 Feb. Demostage with "64Revolt" (Distorted noisy stuff with blipping and blopping. You can find them on Let's say 18:00?

Who's in?

Posted: 24/02/2003 - 7:36
by Max Levin
I'm there!

Posted: 24/02/2003 - 7:42
by Max Levin
...wait a minute... 5th FEBUARY?! :wink:

Re: No, YOU do it.

Posted: 24/02/2003 - 11:25
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Marcel Donné wrote: Allright, allright. What about the Baron and the Baroness opposite Tivoli in CPH on April 5th? I'll be there :)
No way, dude. That place, and all the other bars on that stretch of concrete, are either tourist traps or waterholes for bleached-haired bodybuilder-types. The only good thing about them is that they're dead easy to find. I strongly suggest going somewhere else.

Like Bloomsday Bar (on Gråbrødre torv). A bit harder to locate, but a lot nicer, atmosphere-wise.

Posted: 24/02/2003 - 13:02
by Sonic Wanderer
Copenhagen or Malmö sounds like a good pick to let non-Swedish arrangers attend too. Let's make it happen! 8)

BTW. Welcome back, Jan! :D



Has this subject died?

Posted: 30/03/2003 - 20:54
by Marcel Donné
So, er.....

I'm in CPH next Friday evening. I think that's the 4th of April so do anyone of you good gentlemen want to go for a few pints?


Posted: 31/03/2003 - 6:41
by Max Levin
Sorry, gotta save up for the BITLive Germany-event! See you there instead! :)

Posted: 31/03/2003 - 12:38
by Markus Schneider
Good to count you in, Max ! :D

Posted: 31/03/2003 - 16:33
by Max Levin
One thanks one thanks, Markus! :D

Posted: 08/04/2003 - 20:59
by Marcel Donné
Well, that was a very enjoyable evening with Jan last Friday, only cut short because I had to get up at 06:00 to work the next day :?

Nevertheless, we had a couple of good laughs and, of course, a few pints of Guinness. We decided to do this again the next time I'm in CPH :D

Too bad O2 couldn't make it though but I'm pretty sure he will make it next time, otherwise I will have to threat him to come to Sweden with a case of beer :D