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Posted: 22/06/2004 - 21:25
by Chappers
skitz wrote:I don't know about the rest of you but I'll be sipping a cold diet coke with some titties in my face at Browns at least once during the event :)
Hey, that's my line! :D

Well, apart from the diet coke, of course. :) Stayed completely sober at Brighton but still got high on diet coke all night!! Will be having the odd beer or ten at London though. :)


Posted: 23/06/2004 - 1:18
by Matrix
Those who live in the London area (and amsterdam) are used to strip clubs Chris :) - i for one live up-norf where we dont get that stuff, im debauched and depraved :) Im all for joining Skits with the diet coke in the tit-wobble palace :) - Id have done it at the Gossips do if the bud i was with wasnt so crap scared of SoHo at night and dragged me down to the Thames to find a nice bench to sleep on.

He must find watching the security on the Big Wheel more exciting ... certainly spoiled a good end to my night :) and.. i may hit the venom bar afterward, though my nickname i suspect will change from "Matrix" to "Jake the Peg" lol ... Hey, heres a thought, maybe i can tell the foreign girls i suffer from conjunctive viagra dissorder, and i need . TREATMENT :)

Posted: 23/06/2004 - 8:00
by Chris Abbott
Er.. OK. New announcement: IT'S NOT ZOOBAR ANY MORE!

No idea where it is yet tho'... discussions continue. Looks like it will be "333" club after the actual show. Which is probably nearer the strip joint, ironically.


Posted: 24/06/2004 - 12:30
by Chris Abbott
OK, thinking so far (thanks Boz!!)

BIT Live Designated pubs

Thursday: "musician's ball" - after-rehearsal dinner and drink in West End :)

Friday: "Tiger Tiger" (reviews on this one seem to be good, and it's big enough for us all)

Saturday daytime: unnamed pub near Barbican/Old Street

After show: 333 Club (till 5am)..

Now _that's_ what I call a BIT Live. There's even a show in there somewhere :)


Posted: 29/06/2004 - 11:16
by madfiddler
Just make sure wherever we go has cheap beer :) if that's possible in London..

Posted: 29/06/2004 - 11:53
by Chris Abbott
> Just make sure wherever we go has cheap beer if that's possible
> in London..
Not possible except in depressed areas. Like five feet radius of me at a BIT Live ;-)


Posted: 29/06/2004 - 13:40
by tas
mmm, that sounds like if your in a five feet radius of chris, he'll subsidise the beer!!! 8)

Posted: 29/06/2004 - 15:21
by dan gillgrass
madfiddler wrote:Just make sure wherever we go has cheap beer :) if that's possible in London..
There is the Firkin and Weathers in Leicster Sq which do cheap beers

Posted: 29/06/2004 - 15:28
by madfiddler
Maybe I'll just bring my litre sized vodka hip flask :)

Posted: 29/06/2004 - 17:08
by dan gillgrass
madfiddler wrote:Maybe I'll just bring my litre sized vodka hip flask :)

Posted: 29/06/2004 - 18:20
by tas

London and cheap go together like.... mmm, Dan and sober!!! not possible ;)

Posted: 30/06/2004 - 21:39
by Chris Abbott
OK, me and Skitz are checking out two options for Saturday now:

During the day (from 10am), we're thinking the "Masque Haunt" pub: it's a Wetherspoons, and it's right opposite the venue ;-)

Can't get fairer than that!

It closes at 11pm, so the club thing, we were thinking about another venue in Angel (walking distance from all the Euston hotels), called "Glassworks" (or "Glass Works", don't know which). This closes at 2am. Anyway, me and Skitz are checking these out in a week or two.

Do people want to meet up on Sunday as well? Should we designate a "Sunday morning" venue? :)


Posted: 30/06/2004 - 21:56
by merman
Chris Abbott wrote:Do people want to meet up on Sunday as well? Should we designate a "Sunday morning" venue? :)

Somewhere that serves coffee and croissants?
Either that, or a tour of the nearest Accident & Emergency, with complimentary Back in Time intravenous drips for rehydration :wink:

Posted: 30/06/2004 - 22:38
by tas
Good call on the Wetherspoons Chris, you made a few tight fisted northerners smile with that one ;)

Posted: 01/07/2004 - 7:37
by Chappers
Tas wrote:Good call on the Wetherspoons Chris, you made a few tight fisted northerners smile with that one ;)
Let's put it this way, my subscription to Tight Fisted Northerners is due but I'm not paying..... :)

For me, Wetherspoons has always been quality for very little cash so I wouldn't be complaining if this got chosen. The location is spot on as well so seems good all round really.
